Steve's Engagement Party

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Producer: "Tomorrow's the big party, are you excited at all?"

Tony crosses his arms lazily and rolls his eyes. "Nope. I hate corporate events and that's all this is, a ploy to get their stuffy clients to like their stuffy faces by inviting them to a 'family' party."

"Do you go to a lot of events like that?"

"Dad's always making me go to the corporate parties and his own stuff."

"The company itself is fairly young. You were eleven when he started it, right?"

Tony thinks for a second, rubbing at his chin. "I think I had just turned twelve," he corrects. "But he was a lawyer before the career switch."

"So you've always been in this sort of lifestyle?"

"Boring parties and boring people," he sighs. Tony sits up and looks at the camera. "You know what the worst part is? The people. Every single person acts like they've got a stick up their ass this big." Tony holds up his hands at a wide distance apart. "And they all want you to bend over and-"


The camera pans over a hotel lobby until it lands on Natasha, Sam, Clint, and Bucky. Natasha's the best dressed out of the four, with an elegant black, strapless dress that pools around her ankles and her red hair tied in a perfect ballerina bun. Clint and Sam look nearly identical in matching black blazers and slacks, the only difference being their shirts and ties, with Sam wearing a white shirt and black tie and Clint wearing all black. Bucky is wearing a navy suit with a matching tie and white shirt underneath, and his hair is slicked back, the long strands flicking upwards at the back of his head.

Natasha takes Clint and Bucky by the elbows. "Ready?" she asks, glancing between the three men. Her eyes settle on Bucky as they mumble their agreements. She pulls them across the lobby and down a hallway, sandwiched between them.

Sam takes Bucky's other arm and starts to skip. " We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz !" he sings softly.

Bucky snorts, but he joins in. Their voices slowly grow louder, with Clint joining in eventually.

Natasha rolls her eyes and finishes the verse with them. " Because of the wonderful things he does! We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz! "

"Does that make Natasha Dorothy?" Clint asks as they round the corner, arms still linked but their pace slow.

Bucky nods. "She's like a badass Dorothy, though. Like Dorothy when she confronts people, not the meek version."

"If I'm Dorothy, Clint's the lion," Natasha says with a smirk.

Clint scoffs. "Excuse me?"

She grins. "You know why."

The blond thinks of this for a moment before he nods in defeat. "Yeah, okay."

Sam looks around Bucky and smiles. "If it makes you feel any better, Bucky's the Tin Man."

Bucky's head whips towards Sam. "Why the Tin Man?"

"Your heart," Sam says dramatically, "it longs for love!"

"Oh f--- off!" Bucky laughs, dropping Sam's arms.

Sam laughs and slings an arm over Bucky's shoulders. "In all seriousness, are you ready for this, loverboy?"

Bucky shrugs softly, a little tense. "Yeah, I am. I'm Steve's friend, and friends support other friends."

"Doesn't make you ready," Natasha reminded softly.

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