Peggy's Day Off

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Steve's pacing in front of his desk, his phone inches away from his face.

Sam's sitting at his desk, fist covering his face as he watches the blond slowly start to panic.

Tony walks in, humming the theme song to Animaniacs . He pauses in front of Steve, who's still pacing. He raises an eyebrow and points to the man. "What's his deal?

"Don't ask," Sam sighs.

Steve spins towards Sam, his face pale and frozen in his shock. "You act like this isn't a big deal!" He waves his phone in Sam's direction.

The camera swings to focus on Sam's face, still watching Steve with dull eyes. "It's not, Rogers. They're ten blocks away. That's not that close."

"Not that close?" Steve bellows. "I live seven blocks away!"

"In the opposite direction," Sam reminds him, sitting up.

Tony blinks and shakes his head. "Too early," he mumbles, "too f****** early."

Steve rolls his eyes. "That doesn't matter anymore, Sam. They've stopped using their pattern. There is no pattern anymore. How can you track these guys if they don't use a pattern anymore?"

"You should always be prepared," Sam says, "and you can't plan for those sort of things."

"But you can, if you have a pattern to guide you," Steve huffs, burying himself back in his phone.

Bucky walks in, eyeing Steve with furrowed brows. "What's with you this morning? Peggy put speed in your Starbucks?"

Steve shoves the phone in Bucky's face, shifting from foot to foot as he waits.

"Oh," Bucky mumbles. "Yeah, I passed that."

Steve gasps, body tensing.

"Passed what?" Wanda asks, slipping past Bucky.

"The Brooklyn Bludgeoners standoff," Steve explains. "It's been going on for like an hour." Steve turns to Bucky, glaring at him. "Why did you even leave the house? It's on your block!"

Bucky shrugs. "I didn't know it was happening and it's on the opposite side of my block. I was fine," he says, grabbing Steve's shoulders. "You, Cap, need to relax."

Steve bites his bottom lip, foot tapping. "Yeah, yeah, I do."

Bucky turns him around, steering him towards his desk. "Why don't you sit down and sketch for a bit. I'll keep an eye on the situation and give you updates. Okay?"

"Okay," Steve mumbles, plopping down into his office chair.

"Take a deep breath and sketch me something pretty." Bucky pats Steve's shoulders and starts towards his desk, pulling his bag off. He sighs and takes a seat.

Sam shakes his head. "You're in real deep, Barnes."

Bucky runs a hand through his hair, sending the loose strands in every direction. "Tell me about it."


Producer: "You're really concerned about the Brooklyn Bludgeoners, why is that?"

Steve's chewing at the side of his thumb. "Makes me nervous."


He runs a hand through his hair. "I don't like bullies and I don't like criminals. Not the ones who hurt others for their own good."

"Does that mean you like some criminals?"

"We live in America," his voice is solid as he straightens up, "and I'm not blind. I don't hate criminals with non-violent charges or drug related issues. I just can't do the people who just hate to hate or harm others to get what they want." Steve's jaw twitches as his hand moves to the arm rest. "I cannot stand the way our justice system works. It's just-"

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