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A/N: This is a story I wrote for the Captain America Big Bang in 2018, where a lovely friend made art for this story. I won't be posting it, since it's their art, but I thought this deserved to be cross-posted on Wattpad as much as Archive of Our Own where it currently lives. I'll be posting this at least once every other week, maybe more depending on the reception and stuff. Just let me know what you think! - Jo x

"You want to do a documentary about my company?" Howard Stark asks the producer.

The producer, Eddie Statham, shrugs. "Basically."


"You've become a household name for running a paper company. We want to see what makes that possible."

Howard leans back in his chair, arms crossing over his chest. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

Eddie leans forward, draping himself over the table. "We want to put a camera crew in different stages of your company. We want to see the management, the warehouses, and the sales levels, and how they interact with one another."

"And you really think this will make a good documentary?"

"It's really up to your employees. They're the stars of the show, after all."


Eddie pulls up behind the equipment van in his Honda. "Alright boys, the goal is to stay out of the way as much as possible. We're only here to observe and occasionally interview people. Got it?"

The small camera crew mumbles their understandings as they get their gear together.

Eddie turns to the small building on the edge of Brooklyn. It's nothing special or trendy like most of Brooklyn is these days. The building is only four stories tall with a warehouse in the back. All in all, it's nothing compared to the expensive, extravagant offices of Stark Paper Inc. in Manhattan.

"Cameras on, boys. It's showtime."


The camera pans over the little hallway that leads to Stark Paper Inc.'s Brooklyn office. There's a frosted glass door with the company's logo in the center a few feet away from the elevator, with a few other doors near the end. The camera gets closer to the door, pausing on the logo and the distorted bodies moving in the room.

The door swings open to reveal a short man with a goatee dressed in a fabulous suit. "Finally! I was starting to wonder if this was all some sort of joke. Still am, but Dad's sense of humor is nonexistent so it was highly unlikely, to begin with," the man says, already walking further into the office.

"The name's Tony. I run this joint," he says over his shoulder. Tony walks to the receptionist desk where an older woman is on the phone. "This is Edna, she's our prized possession."

Edna glares at Tony, turning away from the camera to focus on her conversation.

Tony, unfazed, continues to a group of four desks. "This is our sales team, the guys who bring in all the dough." He moves to stand between two desks, a hand on a grungy brunet's shoulder. "This is Barnes," he gestures to the man next to him, "and Wilson, two of our best sales reps- when they can decide to get along."

Wilson, a broad-shouldered and well-dressed man, crosses his arms and glares at Barnes. "We'd get along if Bucky wasn't such an asshole."

Barnes, or Bucky, smirks beneath his scruff and looks up, glancing between the camera and Wilson. "I don't know what you mean, Sammy. I'm a great, responsible coworker who means you no harm."

"That's a load of bullshit if I've ever heard it," Tony quips with an eye roll. "Moving on." He steps back to the other half of the desks and points to a pale, curly-haired gentleman. "This is Dr. Bruce Banner, who's way too smart to be selling paper, but we let him stay even though he's a terrible salesman."

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