My Waffle

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Kurt's p.o.v.

"Night mom!" Me and y/n say at the same time.

Damn, that's embarrassing. But I mean Missy is like a mom to me.

But when we went to bed me and y/n just held each other in our arms. I didn't really fall asleep. I couldn't fall asleep.

So I just kinda watched y/n sleep. And hear her breathing. Wow, that sounds weird as hell. I'm not meaning it in a weird way, it's calming. Why am I talking to myself. Okay goodnight me.

*time skip to morning*

"Good morning blue." Y/n says on a raspy voice from just waking up.

"Good morning y/n/n," I say giving y/n a kiss on her forehead. "Do you want waffles for breakfast?" I ask her while she just snuggles into me.

"Yeah, but not yet." Y/n says wrapping her arms around my torso.

I knew she was gonna say yes.

"Okay." I say copying her actions.

"Blue?" Y/n says in a questioning tone.

"Yeah y/n/n." I answer back to her.

"Why does it already feel like we have been going out on dates together since we first became friends?" Y/n says looking up at me.

Man, I never really thought about it. But yeah it does feel like we have already been going out for two years.

I nod my head up and down in agreement with her. "Do you wanna get up now?" I ask her.

"Sure," y/n says hopping out of bed and pulling me up. "Come on Mr. Coolest Kid I'll Ever Meet!" She says now dragging me out of her room to the kitchen.

Where did all of this energy come from.

"Slow down. It's just waffles." I say holding back from her grip.

"That's the whole reason why! Because it's waffles!" She says using all the strength she has to pull me.

Dude I think she would get married to waffle if it was a person.

"Okay I'll stop now." I say removing her arms from mine and walking into the kitchen. To make us some waffles.

I get them out the freezer and put them into the toaster.

While I wait for them to heat up the most corniest thing popped in my head.

"Y/n/n? Will you be the waffle to my syrup?" I ask her.

"What does that mean?" She says taking a sip from the coffee she made.

"Will you be my girlfriend? Because I mean we have had a crush on each other for two years." I say leaning on the counter near the toaster.

"Yes! I would love to!" Y/n says rushing to me to put me in a tight hug. Then giving me a peck on the lips.

Well this relationship is moving pretty quick. But I mean the crush that we have on each other came pretty quick too.

"I love you y/n. I really mean it. Like your one of the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. A really long time. I have just been trapped in this hell. And you and music are what get me away from that hell." I say giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

She looks up at me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. Then grabs the waffles out, and laying down on to our plates. Y/n wanted to do it, so I guess she will do the rest of it.

"Let me do it my beautiful waffle." (I cringed at that but it's cute for no reason) I say getting butter and maple syrup to put on our waffles.

"Thanks, blue. Or I should say my maple syrup." Y/n says with a little smirk.

She is so adorable, beautiful, and caring human being in the world. I feel way more relieved to call her mine.

A/N- The next few one are gonna be short as heck. But I'm going to try and publish the other parts after I'm done with my school work. Also if you don't like waffles just say a different food. I used it just because. But I'm really sorry haven't published In a while. I didn't forget the story. I just been kinda talking and hanging with my family.

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