So Much Drama For What

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Kurt's p.o.v.

I really like y/n. She is very cute and really sweet to me too. We have our first three classes together.

And her smile, it's so god damn beautiful! {A/N- Kurt wasn't lying though (-:}

Which we're, right now heading to our third period. Which is P.E. My least favorite. But its alright, because today is the first day of school, we probably won't be doing anything for today. The teacher is just going to go over the basics and shit, like our other two classes, before this.

"Y/n what are your thoughts about P.E.?" I ask her, looking away from my converse, that are just lightly sliding on the white tiled floor.

"I never really liked it, and never have. I hate it out of all the classes I hate so, about like all the classes, but P.E. is the worst, to be honest. But, why do you ask?"Y/n asks me.

"No, I don't like it either. What is your reason that you don't like?" I answer, but question her back.

"Because all the jockies think they're so cool. And the girls and boys with perfect body's think they get to shame other people that don't have a 'perfect' body. Not saying they all do it, but most of them are known for doing it." Y/n tells me.

"Yeah, I hate that too." I say looking back up from my feet while we are walking to the gym.

I have always been insecure about my body, I am literally bones, and I'm five foot nine, not saying it has anything to do with it, but I'd rather be just a little taller.

Were right at the gym doors and right as y/n tries to open the gyms door but it's, locked? But class starts in like two minutes? Why would the door be locked?

I try and open it, giving the left door a little shake.

"Why is the do- oh my god. I think I'm going to fucking throw up!" Y/n says in disgusted tone, while hurrying, to snap her head to the opposite of the doors little window.

"What is it? I don't se- oh my god is that Mr. Foster!" I ask y/n, in shock.

Y/n just shakes her head up and down as an answer.

Mr. Foster is our English teacher.

Who we have for our second period.

Him and Ms. Ballard were making out.

Never in a million years would I think about ever seeing this.

But, I mean who would imagine their teachers having affairs.

But I'm not surprised, it's Aberdeen High School, a sucky high school.

"I guess we have to wai- never mind." y/n says looking up at Mr. Foster in a disgusted look.

That man is tall but not as tall as Krist.

I hope Krist is at least in this class.

"Let's just erase that from our memories." I say putting my left pointer finger and rubbing little circles on my temple. Like it's erasing my memories.

"Come on dork." Y/n says laughing while pushing the door open for me.

"Well thank you, human." I say walking through the door.

"Human? Are you human shaming me." y/n asks me.

"No, I would never do that to you darling. Now, let's just get this dumb ass class done and over with." I say the first sentence in a southern accent, but the last sentence, with a lot of forced voice cracks.

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