I Think I Love Her

622 19 2

Kurt's p.o.v.

I wake up to see y/n's asleep on my chest. Y/n has cute little snores. There not loud but her breathing is some what calming.

Wait why are we on the trampoline! Oh shoot what time is it?

I look down at my watch. I read 5:28 a.m. Well I can't believe I actually fell asleep.

"Y/n, y/n. Wake up." I say shaking y/n slightly to wake her up.

"No mom. Oh my god am I late for school!" Y/n says rubbing her eyes then shooting up from my chest in panic.

"Oh it's just you. What are we doing on the tram- oh never mind I remember. What time is it?" Y/n asks me.

"It's like 5:30 a.m." I tell y/n.

"Do you have any clothes? We can go to my room. Because I don't think you want to go back to sleep on the trampoline." Y/n says putting her legs off the trampoline. Letting them dangle.

"Yeah I have clothes. I always keep a extra pair in my backpack." I tell her. Then hop off the trampoline.

"Why do you keep a extra pair?" Y/n asks.

"I stay at Krist's sometimes when my mom and stepdad arguing. Which is about all the time." I say giving y/n a hand to jump off the trampoline.

"Oh, like my dad said last night. Your welcomed anytime. And you can talk to me about anything."   Y/n tells me.

"Ok, thanks. But where am I going to sleep if I do ever stay the night again?" I ask y/n.

"Well I for sure know that you won't sleep on the floor or this trampoline either. So you're probably going to sleep with me or the couch. But that's if you want to. So wanna have something to eat from the kitchen." Y/n says while opening the back door leading us to the kitchen.

"Sure. What do y'all have?" I ask y/n.

"Ooh waffles! We have cereal, waffles, pancakes, and toast!" Y/n says more excited about waffles.

"I'll have waffles. It looks like you really love waffles too y/n." I tell y/n.

"Yep waffles are my most favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner, food, snack, and almost about everything that has something to revolve with eating." Y/n tells me while taking four waffles out.

"I have never seen someone so obsessed with waffles. You might as well marry it!" I say smirking at y/n.

"Haha! You are like so funny Kurt! Everyone the funniest award to goes to Kurt Cobain!" Y/n says sarcastically with her arms in the air.

"Pfft. I already know I am the funniest! Like tell me something I didn't already know." I say mockingly.

"I mean you're kinda funny." Y/n says putting the waffles in the toaster.

"What do you mean kinda!" I ask y/n with a light smile on my face.

"Never mind! How do you not know that your kinda funny? I don't want an answer!" Y/n tells me.

What does that even mean that doesn't make any sense.

"What does that mean? That doesn't even make any sense!" I say to y/n while giving her a confused look on my face.

"It's suppose to be a joke." Y/n says grabbing milk from the fridge.

"But it's not funny. Also do y'all have chocolate syrup? Because I like chocolate milk." I tell y/n.

I hope they have chocolate syrup.

"That's the point, it's a joke that's not funny. And yes we do have chocolate syrup" Y/n asks me.

"Yes can you make it for me pwetty pwease!" I say giving y/n puppy eyes.

"Stop I shall not look. Oops I looked. But I can't say no to those beautiful baby blue eyes!" Y/n says then making my chocolate milk.

"The waffles are done! Yay! Do you want maple syrup on yours?" Y/n says excited taking them out and laying them out on plates. Then takes out the syrup looking up at me.

"Ooh! Yes please!" I say almost as excited as her.

"Okay! Mmm they look so delicious! I could eat them right now!" Y/n says pouring the syrup on our waffles.

She takes a bit out of hers.

"Y/n what about me! I'm hungry too!" I say crossing my arms together.

"Wait let me enjoy the waffles presence." She says acting like she's meditating.

"Okay now you can have them." She says lying my chocolate milk and waffles in front of me.

They look so yummy.

*time skip after eating*

"What time is it blue?" Y/n asks me.

Blue who's blue.

"Who's blue y/n? And it's 6:08" I ask her.

"It's my nickname for you blue" y/n tells me.

Blue, blue. I like it.

"Why though?" I ask her about the nickname.

"Because it matches your beautiful blue eyes." She says taking a seat on the couch.

"Oh okay. I get it now." I say sitting beside her and laying my legs on top of her lap.

"You wanna go on a walk around here." She says pushing my legs off of her lap.

"Sure. Let me get dressed though!" I say getting up off the couch and grabbing my backpack.

I run to the bathroom and get changed and brush my teeth.

I run down the stairs trying not to wake y/n's mom and dad. John and Missy.

Y/n got changed too and brushed her hair.

"Shit, do you think I could use your hair brush y/n."

She nods her head yes and hands her brush to me.

"Okay I got my back pack. You ready to go and walk around little old Aberdeen!" Y/n says excited after I'm done brushing my hair.

"Sure even though I hate this place." I say truthfully.

"Whatever Mr. Negative. I thought you were Mr. Cool Kid!" She says opening the front door for us to go out.

"I'm not Mr. Cool Kid! I'm Mr. Coolest Kid!" I say.

I walk out with a big smile.

I haven't felt this happy in a while. But I still can't get over how I actually fell asleep. Like it takes me forever to fall asleep anymore.

I love y/n. I really do. I don't even know why I'm say this we just met. I didn't even think love could actually make people feel this happy. I'm gonna call my love for her the y/e/c (your eye color) touch.

A/N- Sorry that this was late. I have been procrastinating a lot. But also sorry it's short. This is the worst Monday EVER! Except for this story. I love this. But I hate school.

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