Why Must I Love You

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Kurt's p.o.v.

"Where do you think our first destination shall be sire!" Y/n asks me in a British accent while hopping in front of me.

I put my hands on y/n's shoulders and hold them down so she will stop hopping.

"What are you so excited for we have like 40 minutes until school is gonna open and have a hour until our first class! And you already know school II say trying to make her calm down.

"I know! That's why I want to go on a walk and then go to school! Please, please, please, please, ple-" y/n says getting cut off by me.

"Okay! We will go on the walk too. Where are we going to walk too? Because I don't know where to go for a walk" I tell y/n.

"Do you think we could walk around the park until 7:00 a.m. since school starts 7:15 a.m.!"   Y/n says excitedly.

I can't help but say yes. I mean she's so cute. She has touched me with the y/e/c touch again.

"Yes, we can go walk to the park" I say picking y/n up.

"Yay! Go faster slowpoke!" Y/n says.

She is so impatient.

"No, be patient. And if you say it again I'll go even slower" I tell her.

"Whatever I'm going to run there!" Y/n says jumping out my arms then running.

I swear this girl is so energetic. We woke up a hour ago. How is she so fast.

I run and try to catch up with her.

"Y/n wait up! I'm not as energetic and fast as you! Please stop!" I yell at her.

"Okay I'll stop" y/n says stopping.

Now I can catch up with her.

"Thanks. Damn, getting here was way quicker than I thought it was going to be!" I say sitting down on the bench.

"What time is it blue?" Y/n asks me.

"It is 6:37. So we have like 20 minutes to walk around the park" I tell her.

"Okay come one what are you waiting for!" Y/n says dragging me off the bench.

"Okay, you can let go now. I'm up" I tell y/n while taking her arms off of me.

"Oooh look at the sun rising!" Y/n says looking up and pointing at the sky.

"It's so beautiful" I say admiring the sun rising with her.

"You know walking can wait after school! Come lay with me blue"  y/n says laying down in the grass looking at the sun.

I lay right beside her.

"Have you ever wondered like how peaceful life would we were dead?" I ask y/n.

"Yeah. But I would never kill myself. But if I did want to die I would pay someone to kill me" she says.

Wow I never thought about that before. I mean yeah killing myself. But never thought about someone doing it for me. That seems more easier. No it doesn't.

"Why do you ask is something up, something you wanna talk about?" Y/n asks me while turning to face me.

"Yeah, but I wanna save it for another day" I say turning to face her.

I don't know why but a tear goes down my cheek. I than flat out burst into tears.

"What's wrong blue?" Y/n says pulling me into a tight hug.

Her head tilted causing her cheek to be on the top of my head. She runs her hand up and down my back. I just cry in her shoulder.

I'm now done crying.

"I'm sorry I probably ruined your shirt" I say looking at her shoulder that is covered in my tears.

"Oh it's not big of a problem blue" She cupping my face with her hands and wiping my tears of my face then gives my forehead a kiss.

"I hate myself so much! I don't even want to go back to the hell hole I call home!" I yell slamming myself on the grass.

It doesn't hurt because I did it on my purpose.

"Don't we all hate ourselves. But you know you can spend the night again at my house" y/n says lifting me up and giving me another tight hug.

"Yeah but I don't have anymore clothes. I would have to go back to my house. Also can this be between me and you. I don't wanna be known as the weak sad 16 year old boy that's just a skeleton that's 5'9 at school" I say to y/n.

"I won't, I promise. And if anyone says anything I'll beat them up like I did Rebecca. And I can come with you to your house to help you pack" she says not letting of the hug then let's out a little chuckle in the Rebecca sentence.

"Thanks y/n. Can we go to school now?" I say wanting not to remember what just happened.

"Yes we can" she says locking her hand with mine and giving my cheek a kiss.

We start walking to school. She rubs her thumb on my hand back and forth. She lays her head on my shoulder. I lay my head on hers.

I smile widely.

I really do love her. I mean how can you not. First, she actually cares about me, so she is nothing like my mom and dad. Second, her mom and dad are already treating me like their own kid, I haven't even known them for a full day. Third, y/n is nice, kind, caring, sweet, and mean to people that are rude and disrespectful to the 'outcasts' and her friends.

Even though we have known each other for almost a day. She really does have me wrapped around her pretty little finger.

She is literally everything I could want. And I thought love could never exist for me.

What can I say I am stuck in the y/e/c touch. I love it. But I don't know if I love it more than my guitar. I don't know which I love the most. They both make me feel better. I enjoy them both. I don't know I guess it a tie. Why does the y/e/c touch make me feel every emotion I can feel. Why must I love you y/n

A/N- This story is all over the place. But I I'm just glad other people like it. I didn't really think it was gonna get that many reads. But I just wanna go to sleep. I went to sleep at like 12:00 in the morning and woke up for school at 7:00 in the morning. I swear I hate school. I hate you Horace Mann. That's the guy who kinda evolved school if you didn't know.

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