Chapter 1: A new path

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It's the next day and Jaune wakes up to his destroyed room. He looks to his hands and sees that they slowly healed overnight, leaving scar tissues that he'll will have to keep for the rest of his life. He get's and heads to the bathroom, ignoring the mess on the floor. In the bathroom, he washes his face. He looks up to the bathroom mirror and notice that he has bags under his eyes, ignores and heads out the bathroom then headed to the kitchen. Once he arrives, he sees his whole family there.

John: "Sit." He said to him.

Jaune sits on the stool, waiting to see what his family is about to say to him.

Juniper: "Honey, why did you do it? You know you weren't ready to become a huntsman, so why did you forge you're transcripts?"

Jaune: "...Why? Why?! You all know why! It's always been my dream of becoming a hero like grandpa. None of you especially you dad, wanted to help me since I wasn't good enough! So yeah, I did it and I don't fuckin regret it!"

John: "We only wanted to protect you because we're family!"

Jaune: "By keeping me here at home, like if I'm a little kid! I'm not a kid anymore! I'm almost officially an adult, yet you keep babying me as if I'm going to get hurt. I know the risk of becoming at huntsman, but I still wanted to do it!"

Joan: "Jaune, you needed to accept the fact that you're not ready to become a huntsman." Said his sister.

Jaune: "Well when was I going to be ready? You girls got trained at younger age, yet I had to wait until I was at least 15 in order to learn how to fight."

Jenny: "You idiot, you could have been killed in the first day!" Yell his other sister.

Jaune: "I know, but I would have done anything to achieve my dream, even if my actions were illegal." He said to his family. 

Jupiter: "Would have?" Said his grandfather.

Jaune: "... I can't become a huntsman. Not anymore. Ozpin informed my transcripts to all other academies. I'm not allow to enroll anymore. My dream... is now dead." He said emotionless to his family.

John: "...I'm sorry it had to come this way." He says as he touches his son's shoulder.

Jaune: "Bullshit!" He yells as he pushes his father's arm away. "This is what you guys wanted right?!"

Juniper: "Jaune!" She says in surprised as this is the first time she ever heard her son swear.

Jaune: "My dream of being a hero, is now gone all because I save some asshole's life! I should have left him for dead." He said which shocked his family.

Jupiter: "So, what are you going to do now, boy?"

Jaune: "... I'm going to look for a fuckin job." He said in disgust. "While I'm not good wielding a sword and shield, my skills like sewing are good for something."

John: "Speaking of Crocea Mors, I think it's best if you handed it to Joan, since you won't be using it anymore."

Jaune: "Go ahead, I have no use for that damn thing. Now if you excuse me, I need to go make a resume." He said coldly to his family before walking out of the kitchen.

Juniper: "Jaune, we're only looking out for you because we're family."

Jaune stop walking for a bit once his mom said family. If they were family, they would have supported him in the beginning. If they were family, they should have let him get hurt training since he's going to be fighting monsters. Family isn't the word, he's seeing most of them. Jaune just continue to walked to his room.

Jupiter: "He's right you know." He said to his son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters.

John: "What do you mean, dad?"

Jupiter: "Ever since he was born, you all have been babying him as if he's a piece of glass that will shattered in one touch."

Jupiter: "He's my baby. I will always protect him."

Jupiter: "He's a grown man now. He's getting a job like an adult and because of all of this, I won't be surprise if he suddenly moves out."

John: "Dad, he wasn't ready to become a huntsman. He showed no skills in all these years."

Jupiter: "I had the same though about you, boy. But you proved to me that you have strength and will power to be a huntsman because I helped you. You never showed that kind of support to Jaune." He said to his idiotic son.

Saphron: "At least with him finding a job, he'll be safe." She said with her wife and sisters agree.

Jupiter: "Because it's the only option he has, in order to find a purpose in this world. Don't expect him to be happy or normal for a while." He said to his family before heading out the kitchen, leaving his family on their own thoughts.

The Flamingo Arc Book 1Where stories live. Discover now