Chapter 13: The King vs the Leader

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Both the White Fang Leader and the Billionaire Fashion Designer clashed their weapons trying to get the upper hand. Adam has a scowl on his face as Jaune is smirking. Both jumped back to gain some distance then Jaune swung Cross Tails sending his sharp threads to the Bull Faunus. Adam quickly deflected each thread at a fast pace with his sword, creating sparks. Adam morphed Wilt and Brush into rifle mode and began shooting at Jaune.

Jaune: "Childish." He said with a smirk as he swung Cross Tails to slice apart the dust rounds. 

Adam: "I'll show you childish!" He yells in anger as brings out Wilt.

Faster than many people, Adam ran at Jaune while ready to swung his chokuto. Jaune quickly tied his threads together, creating a shield. Adam swung his sword, but Jaune raises his shield to deflect the strike. The White Fang Leader then began to swing his sword at a faster pace, but each attacks gets deflected from the Shield made of thread. After a few more seconds of blocking the attack, Jaune deflected the sword to the left, leaving Adam open, so he raised his fist and swung hard at Adam's cheek sending him back far. Adam quickly stands up and wipes the blood from his lips.

Adam: "Lucky Shot, bastard." He said with a scowl. 

Jaune: "There is no such thing as luck. Only skills, so I'm going to show you mines." He said as the shield thread untied itself.

Jaune then retied to sharp threads into a melee weapon. A few seconds later, Jaune has an axe made of the threads.

 A few seconds later, Jaune has an axe made of the threads

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Adam brings out Blush and begans to fire at the blonde man. Jaune easily deflected each round, revealing that he has skills in wielding an axe.

Jaune: "Do you really believe that I'm just a man with money? I'm not like most rich assholes and have people do their work for me." He said as he holds the axe near his shoulder. 

Adam: "Please. Your just like all humans. Disgusting, Greedy, Selfish, pieces of shits, who should all be rounded up and kill! This meeting you have with Ghira is the perfect opportunity for me to kill you and take over your company for the White Fang!" He said in a angry tone. 

Jaune: "Sure, expect the fact that your White Fang members are lying unconscious on the ground with piss staining their pants after I unleashed a tiny bit of my power." He said with a smirk, shocking the Bull Faunus.

With Jaune's Allies

Rarity, Ghira, Kali, and an unconscious Sienna are witnessing the fight between Jaune and Adam. Both the Belladonnas are shocked to see that someone is actually on par with Adam Taurus of all people. They know that Adam is a very powerful and deadly White Fang member who is capable of killing a team of huntsman and seeing a human handling himself against Adam, is something that never happens.

Kali: "Wow. I never knew that Jaune is that skillful." She said in amazement.

Ghira: "Agreed. Considering how skillful Adam is." He said as he looks to the unconscious grunts. "To think a very small portion of his own killing intent can make an army of trained soldiers passed out in fear. Just how powerful is he?"

Rarity: "That's Mr. Arc for you. He is a man full of surprises. It's because of him, that the the head of the Schnee Dust Company is dead." She said in a normal tone, surprising the Belladonnas.

Kali: "Really? Jacque Schnee died because of him?" She asked the assistant. 

Rarity: "That's right. The bastard was threatening Jaune about him supporting small dust companies and complains that he's losing business and money so he made threats to Jaune by bringing some bodyguards and they tried to kill me. Jaune handled them easily and save my life." She said ending her story.

With Jaune and Adam

Adam: "You think your tough?" He said getting over his shock. "You think your hot shit because you can handle scaring a few Faunus?! YOU'RE NOTHING! YOU'RE JUST A WEAK, PATHETIC HUMAN AND A FAILURE STUDENT FROM BEACON!!!" He furiously yell to the male Fashionista. 

The last sentence immediately made Jaune frown since that is a sensitive topic and brings back shitty memories. It's now time for him to get serious. 

Jaune: "You know, all that yelling and negativity just proves one thing and one thing only." 

What he said next, pissed Adam off.

Jaune: "You, Adam Taurus, Leader of the White Fang, are scared.. of... me." He said with a large grin.

Adam: "FUCK YOU!!!" He yells before running to Jaune.

Adam is now just swinging his sword in anger as he couldn't control his emotions. Each swing Adam sent, gets deflected from Jaune's thread-made axe. That was part of Adam's plan to kill Jaune. Jaune quickly ducks and swings his axe, making a long cut on Adam's abdomen. Adam, ignoring the pain, brings down his chokuto attempting to cut Jaune apart, but Jaune rolls to the left and swung his axe, making a cut on Adam's back. They both then jumped back to gain distance from each other.

Adam: "You will..." His body and face turned black as night, while his hair, and markings from his mask. "...DIE HERE!" He yells as he suddenly appeared in front of Jaune.

He swings his sword, making contact with Jaune's body and began to attack. Each of Adam's attacks sends powerful red energy strikes that's making critical damage. To finish it off, Adam sends a powerful strike to Jaune's chest and appeared behind Jaune with his sword swung. Everything was silent for a few seconds, before the sound of cracking was heard. One second later, the sound of metal hitting the ground was heard by everyone. Adam, wide-eyed behind his mask, slowly brings his sword up to face and sees that his blade is broken in pieces. The leader looks back to Jaune.

Adam: "How?" He said quietly.

Jaune looks back to Adam with no smile on his face. He then rips his shirt apart and everyone was wide-eyed at what they're witnessing. Jaune secretly has the threads from Cross Tails wrapped around his body, creating body armor.

 Jaune secretly has the threads from Cross Tails wrapped around his body, creating body armor

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Adam, in his desperate time, raises Blush to shoot at Jaune.

Then a trail of blood landed on the ground.

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