Chapter 10: Heading to Menagerie

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Thanks to the interference from his old friends at Beacon Academy, it took longer for Jaune to finally complete the negotiation contract he created. This contract will allow him to build a Numancia Flamingo store in Menagerie, specifically in Kuo Kuana. Once he made sure everything seemed fair to the people of Menagerie, he informs Rarity to print the contract so that there won't be any changes to it and to also make copies in case things happened. 

Jaune: "Hm, I need to order a ticket to take a boat to Menagerie." He said as he picked up his company scrolls and calls the registration office. "Hello, I'm calling to order a ticket... I'm heading Menagerie... No, I'm not a Faunus, why does that matter... Because I have business there... look here jackass, I'm calling to get a ticket for Menagerie and I don't wanna hear about your fuckin racist view on Faunuses, so either get me a ticket to Menagerie or I will call the owner to give me information about you so that I can find you and beat your ass... there was that so hard. Goodbye, fuckhead." He then hangs up without hearing a reply from the guy.

Jaune then heads to his liquor cabinet and got out a bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin. He then gets a glass cup and pours it.

 He then gets a glass cup and pours it

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Once his cup was filled, he went back to his desk and began to sign the employee's paycheck. A few minutes later, Rarity enters the room with the new print contract.

Rarity: "Here you go Jaune. New, clean, and fair contract ready to be signed." She said as she puts the contract on Jaune's desk and drinks the Gin from his cup.

Jaune: "Thank you, darling." He said as he signs his name on his part of the contract. 

Rarity: "I heard you arguing on the scroll. What's all that about?" She said as she sat on his lap.

Jaune: *sighs* "Just the usual bullshit from racist assholes. Honestly, everytime a human hears anything about Faunus, they starte giving the whole "They're a bunch of animals" shit. Humans have red blood and Faunuses have red blood, we're the same so end of fuckin story." He said as he drinks the gin.

Rarity: "I agree honey, but people are fuckin morons." She said while leaning her head near Jaune's shoulder.

Jaune: "Ain't that the truth. I'm scheduled to head to Menagerie in a few days, so I got time to sign the rest of the employee's paycheck and start sewing some orders." He said as he picked up his pen and began to sign paychecks, while Rarity was leaning towards him while drinking the rest of his gin.

A few days later, Jaune is ready to head the docks and get on the boat that's heading to Menagerie. Normally he would be wearing a suit since he's going to be doing business with the Chieftain, but since the climate there isn't exactly suitable for wearing a suit, he decided to wear something, exoctic. He's wearing a pink faux coat with yellow and orange faux sleeves, a gold faux neck piece and gold necklace, long hot pink pants, and black pointed dress shoes.

 He's wearing a pink faux coat with yellow and orange faux sleeves, a gold faux neck piece and gold necklace, long hot pink pants, and black pointed dress shoes

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(I don't own this image and the pants covered the whole leg.)

The head of Numancia Flamingo puts on his signature curved sunglasses and waited for his assistant to be ready to go. A minute later, Rarity came in wearing a white dress shirt, lavender dress pants with slim brown suspenders, and black heels. The second he came in, Jaune was speechless.

 The second he came in, Jaune was speechless

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Jaune: "My don't you look proffesional and beautiful." He said a smile.

Rarity: "Thank you and don't you look exotic and perfect." She said with a lustfilled smirk as she looks at Jaune's six pack since he's shirtless.

Jaune: "Thank you dear, now let's get going shall we." He said as he offered her his arm like a gentlemen, which she gladly took.

Both CEO and assistant walked out of the office with Jaune carrying briefcase, that contains the contracts. They walked out of the building and headed to the limo that will take them to the docks. As they got in, they started to talked.

Rarity: "I do hope that you are aware that the White Fang headquarters is near Kuo Kuana. " She said as she leans on his shoulder.

Jaune: "I'm am aware yes. I have no doubt that there aware about what has happened at the Vale Shipyard. I also have no doubt that they will be informed of our arrival."

Rarity: "Do you have a plan to counter an attack?" She asked.

Jaune: "Of course. Here's what we'll do..."

Hey guys Artist here. I have been getting messages how since I created the new naruto story. Just because I created a new story, it doesn't meant the others are discontinued. I'm still planning on updating them and finishing them.Anyways, like I said I plan to do another story this summer and they're Percy Jackson stories. Here are the suggestions.

Percy Jacksons Summer Vacation (With cousins)

Betrayed Percy Jackson enters and returns from Naruto Universe (Doesn't join the Hidden Leaf)

Percy Jackson becomes the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Percy Jackson x Hazbin Hotel (Beginning to the Lighting thief.)

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