Chapter 15: King and Chief Vs Lap Dogs

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Both Jaune and Ghira charged at Emerald and Mercury with their weapons charged. Mercury ducks from Ghira's punched and sends a kick to his back which triggers a gun from his foot, causing damaged to him, but not much due to Ghira's Aura. Jaune runs to the female while shooting his doubled barreled flintlock. Emerald quickly did a back flip to avoid the shots, while shooting her dual revolvers. Jaune quickly swiped Cross Tails, making the sharp threads cut through each dust bullet. He sends more of the threads to Emerald and swiped his hand, intending to cut her in pieces. She quickly jumped away, making the threads sliced apart a tree that was behind her.

Jaune: "Seems you two know how to fight." He said while reloading his flintlock.

Mercury: "Of course, asshole. We're Cinder's best allies after all."  He said with a cocky smirk.

Emerald: "Mercury, shut up!" She yells to the silver haired man for revealing her mistress name. 

Ghira: "So you are working with her?" He questioned with his claws raised. 

Emerald: "That's not any of your damn business!" She said as she turns her weapon into sickles.

Ghira: "If your boss is pulling strings from members of the White Fang and ruining the reputation of the Faunus race then it is my business." He said with frown.

Mercury: "You won't have to worry about it since your going to die." He said with a cocky smirk.

Jaune: "Funny, that's what I was going to say about you." He said as he readies his flintlock and Cross Tails.

Emerald: "Hmm, who knew the CEO of Numancia Flamingo will be here in Menagerie of all places." She said looking at Jaune.

Jaune: "It's only business." He said as he aims his flintlock at Emerald.

Without saying else, both Emerald and Mercury ran to them with Mercury sending kicks, followed by gunshots. Both Jaune and Ghira spilt up to gain some ground. Mercury went to Jaune while Emerald went to attack the Chieftain. Mercury sends a barrage of kicks, but Jaune dodged each attack with ease. Jaune then grabs Mercury's right leg and he used his right leg to sweep kick Mercury's left leg, making him fall on his back and Jaune quickly sends a punch to Mercury's face. As the silver hair man holds his face in pain, Jaune quickly aims his flintlock and was about pull the trigger, but Mercury shoots a round from his leg causing Jaune to quickly jumped back and shoot Mercury's leg, making a clink sound.

Jaune: 'That sounds like metal hitting metal. Why is that? Does he have prosthetic legs?' He thought in his head as he reloads.

Jaune quickly rans to Mercury and sends his shard threads, intending to cut his legs, but Mercury quickly backflips to avoid the attack. Although a piece of Mercury's pants was ripped, revealing metal.

Jaune: 'So my assumption was correct.' He said as he sees Mercury's leg.

Mercury sends another barrage of shooting kicks to Jaune. The CEO of Numancia Flamingo quickly uses Cross Tails and made the threads create a barrier to stop the dust bullets. 

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Jaune then sends more threads to wrap around one of Mercury's leg, making it difficult for him to escape.

Mercury: "What the fuck? Let me go, asshole!" He yells while trying to bring back his leg.

Jaune: "Sure thing." He said with a smirk as he clenches the Cross Tails glove, making the threads around Mercury's tighten, causing him pain.

The Jaune pulls back his fist hard, making the threads sliced Mercury's leg, causing him scream bloody murder. His scream, stop the fight between Ghira and Mercury and look at them. Emerald was wide-eyed at what she was witnessing.

Emerald: 'How?!' She screams in her head.

Ghira: 'Are those... mechanical parts?' he questioned.

With the Spectators

Rarity, Kali, and an unconscious Sienna were wide-eyed as witnessing that Mercury doesn't seem to have any human legs, but robotic prosthetic legs. 

Kali: "Oh my oum." She said covering her mouth at what she was witnessing.

Rarity: "Prosthetic limbs. Interesting." She said taking note of it.

Back to Jaune

Jaune walks up to the robotic limb and picks it up to examine it. He sees that this is something is definitely created in Atlas.

Jaune: 'How the hell did a punk like him, got something as expensive and delicate like this.' He thinks to himself as he hold the robotic limb.

Mercury: "YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I'M GOING TO FUCKIN KILL YOU!!!" He yells as he's on the ground.

Jaune: "Can't do that if you dead." He said with a smirk as he aims his flintlock to Mercury.

Before he could pull the trigger, Emerald quickly runs to her partner and aims her dual revolvers to Jaune. As both aimed their guns, Jaune decided to use his Kenbunshoku Haki. This made Jaune's eyes to glow for a second. Emerald began to shoot, but Jaune, who saw saw the future for a short period, dodged each dust bullet and appeared in front of Emerald. In slow motion, Emerald widen her eyes as Jaune was looking at her with a smirk and punched directly to her chest. Time went back to normal, as Emerald was sent flying back while blood comes out of her mouth, signaling that she now has internal bleeding. No one but Rarity noticed how Jaune's fist was covered in metallic black.

 No one but Rarity noticed how Jaune's fist was covered in metallic black

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Jaune: "Stay down." He said as he looks back to Mercury who was slowly crawling away.

Without anymore distraction, Jaune aims his flintlock to Mercury's head and was about to pull the trigger. Only for a parasol to appear in front of the wounded man. Then behind the parasol was a short woman with long pink and brown hair with matching heterochromia eyes, wearing a white cropped wide, broad tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single pink button and large pink cuffs, brown pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. Under her jacket is a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips, a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hang haphazardly around her neck and black and white spat styled under the knee boots alongside black gloves. She seems to be carrying a bleeding Emerald.

Jaune: "Oh, and you are?" He asked.

The woman just smirks as she puts away her umbrella and picks up Mercury, even though it seems that she was struggling. Without saying else, Jaune pulls the trigger and the next thing that happens, they turned into glass and disappear. Jaune frowns as they escape, but there's nothing he could do about it.

Jaune: 'Who was she?' He thinks to his head as he puts away his flintlock.

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