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jisung spent a long day at work struggling to think of any lyrics. he wanted to create something for himself for once and his company head was finally letting him, yet he still couldn't manage to find the words to express how he felt.

lately it had been hard for him. his parents told him if it ever got too hard that he could return home, but he knows they don't want that.

currently, if jisung did try to return home though, he would not be accepted. his father wants jisung far away from him and that just breaks jisung even more.

he hit a complete block, having no inspiration for his music anymore. all he wanted was to sink down into his bed and allow the blankets to drown him.

the last thing jisung wanted was to attend a celebratory event for his music when he currently lacked the ability to make more.

his work day was quickly coming to an end, making another hard day turn into an excruciating night.

"han jisung," he heard the voice of JYP himself approaching him, "how's your song coming along?"

"i-it's coming..." jisung said softly, worried that JYP might ask to hear some of it.

"how much longer will you need? i need some songs for other groups as well you know."

"right... not long! end of the week i'll be done for sure!" jisung lied through his teeth, but there was nothing else he could do.

as soon as JYP had left, jisung sprinted down the dance wing, looking for minho. he saw the boy standing in one of the practice rooms, and he immediately rushed over to him.

"you okay kitten?" minho asked as jisung collapsed in his arms.

"i missed you." jisung pouted as he held on tightly to minho.

"ah you're so cute," minho picked up the latter's face by his chin, gently guiding their lips to meet.

"mm you're cuter." jisung hummed with a smile.

"i disagree, but let's not argue." minho intertwined his fingers with jisung's, and began walking out of the building that way.

"i don't want to go back to the dorms." jisung frowned as he slowly walked beside minho.

"you really don't want to celebrate one million views, do you?" minho asked, stopping in his tracks to face jisung.

"i don't deserve the celebration." jisung claimed as he let go of minho's hand and began walking off on his own.

"first of all, never let go of my hand again... and second of all, what do you mean you don't deserve it?" minho questioned as he aggressively grabbed onto jisung's hand.

"i can't even think of lyrics for a new song, that's my entire job! i am a failure!" jisung stated as she dramatically flailed his arms.

"okay listen ji, we already have hyunjin as our drama queen, we can't have you turning on us now too." minho teased, but it was no use, jisung was far too deep in his slump.

"stop, im serious." jisung whined slightly, feeling tired of not being good enough.

"baby, you're amazing. everyone experiences some sort of creativity block. i get that with dance and when i do, i just watch other choreographies and pull inspiration from those to adapt into my own style."

"if i do that with lyrics it's plagiarism." jisung responded.

"okay, so pull experiences from everyday life. start tracking how you feel, what happens in your day, your family life, literally anything. i'm sure something will come to you eventually my love." minho kissed the top of jisungs head as he slung his arm over the boys shoulders.

"you know... that's not a bad idea." jisung admitted.

"you got this jisung, all your past songs are based off real life experiences right?" minho questioned.

"to some extent yeah." jisung shrugged.

"so pour out your feelings, all your locked in thoughts... let it all out." minho suggested in a comforting way.

"i think i could actually do that, thanks minho!" jisung said excitedly, suddenly thinking of all the different types of songs he could create. 

"of course ji."

"when did you get so smart?" jisung asked as he cutely looked up at minho with a smile.

"im not smart, i would just do anything to help you." minho corrected, falling helplessly for the boy before him, but he no longer cared about that.

he wanted to fall for jisung, hard and fast, and that's exactly what was happening.


kinda short but next chapter is the "party" so yayyyy




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