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a few days had passed and it was now friday.

today was the day jisung was meant to leave to go to malaysia, and chan knew this, yet jisung was still in korea.

things had been quiet, in the worst way possible.

jisung and minho both had called out of work for the week, claiming to be sick, when really they were just terrified of minhos father.

the silence eventually had to come to an end, and today was that day.

minho and jisung were the only two in the apartment when they heard banging on the front door. chan specifically told them not to open it to anyone, all the boys had their keys and if they didn't they would call.

minho knew the knocking sounded harsh and angry, he figured it had to be his dad or someone his father had sent.

"minho, don't open it." jisung instructed the boy.

"i won't" minho whispered as he pulled on the boys arm and locked the two of them in jisungs bedroom.

"let's just stay in here until they leave so they don't hear us, okay?" minho suggested and jisung agreed.

"im so scared of losing you." jisung frowned as he stared at the floor.

"im an adult, i can't be afraid of my father forever. i won't let him send me away. i'd rather ruin my reputation than lose you." minho admitted to the boy.

"but i don't want you to ruin your reputation for me."

"it's not just for you though ji, it's for myself too. i can finally be free of him if i choose to be." minho stated.

"i mean... i guess, but is it worth ruining your career?" jisung asked the latter.

"if a company won't hire me because i'm gay, then that's their fault. it's not like i want to be an idol or anything. i just want to be a choreographer." minho shrugged.

"you know... our company hasn't mentioned me coming out, and i do want to be an idol. what will happen to 3racha now that i came out? what will happen to jeongin since we have a song together?" jisung questioned nervously.

"let's check..." minho said as he pulled out his phone and opened up youtube.

he searched slump, jisung and jeongin's song, on youtube and opened up the video. he scrolled down to the comments and began to read the aloud.

"im so glad j.one came out, i feel like this song makes more sense now." minho read.

"ITS NOT EVEN ABOUT ME BEING GAY!" jisung shouted and minho hushed the boy as he laughed.

"ah this ones good... j.one is a very talented rapper, and as a fanboy, im more than happy to hear he is gay."

"that's kind of cute," jisung blushed as he heard the comment.

"hey! i'm your biggest fanboy, never forget that." minho said as he leaned in close to jisungs face. jisung was quick to steal a kiss as he let out a giggle.

"are there any negative comments?" jisung asked the boy.

"ji, you don't want to hear those." minho frowned, not wanting to tell the boy about the other comments he saw.

"yes i do." jisung said adamantly.


"if you don't tell me i'll just read them myself later."

//tw// homophobia/ homophobic slurs

"fine," minho sighed, "what a faggot... j.one is going to turn out precious innie into a queer just like him... doesn't he know gays should just die... how could jeongin even make a song with that ugly fag... i wonder if jeongin knew that boy was a cock sucker before he made a song with him."

"so... they don't like that jeongin and i have a song together?" jisung asked with a saddened expression.

"those few haters don't, but the amount of comments attacking these people for saying such heinous things... it's incredible jisung. you have so many people supporting you and wanting you to have your own music released. wait till they hear about 3rachas debut!" minho cheered for the boy.

"i hope we will get to debut after my coming out post..." jisung frowned.

"you will baby, i know you will." minho said as he wrapped his arms around the latter and placed a soft kiss to the top of his head.

the boys sweet moment was immediately interrupted by even louder banging.

"MINHO GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE! I KNOW YOURE IN THERE WITH THAT BOY!" mimho heard a familiar voice yelling from outside the dorm room door.

"ah so he finally came himself," minho sighed.

"minho, is that your dad?" jisung asked, obviously afraid.

"it is," minho nodded, "i might as well go face him."

"but minho, what if he takes you away?" jisung asked as he tugged on the boys arm.

"jisung dont be so dramatic," minho laughed even though he too was actually afraid, "it'll be fine. i just need to settle this once and for all."

"please be careful... i don't want him to do to you what he did when he found you with changmin." jisungs voice was a bit shaky. it hurt minho to see him so afraid.

"i love you jisung, nothings going to happen to me. it'll be okay." minho assured the boy before making his way towards the door, "just stay in here with the door lock. promise?"

"no... i want to—"

"jisung, promise me you will stay in here with the door locked." minhos voice got serious and cold. jisung had never heard minho speak like that.

"i promise." jisung said, even though he didn't want to.

minho then nodded with a half hearted smile as he walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.


i cant update other stories tonight im sorry

i really wanted to update this though so i pushed through the little storm in my mind

^^no need to feel sorry for me or comment things on that tho, i feel bad when you guys do bc it's hard for me to respond to you since your comments usually make me cry cause yall are too sweet

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