Chapter 35

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***Heh, you all wanna kill me yet? Are you sure you don't want to?

Just warning ya...

Also, I'm not checking notifications for this book until it's done, so that exists.

And there's a weird time gap between the two POVs. You'll figure it out.***

***(Nya's POV)***

Oh my gosh. What has he done?

I turn on my headset. "Lloyd, where are you? Jay's in Borg Power Corps alone! He's going to die!"

"What?" I hear Lloyd say over the intercom.

I desperately try to get the side entrance of the building to open, but it doesn't budge. "Jay sabotaged Pythor's machine wrong, and now it's set to explode! And I can'!" I cry out in anger, fear, lament.

"Get away from there!" Lloyd yells. "I'll come pick you up, and we'll find a way in together. Is there a set time the machine is supposed to explode?"

"Less than a minute from now!" I run from the door, searching for any other way inside the building. Could I climb a tree and use it to leap over to the top of Borg Power Corps?

No. There's not enough time.

I see the building flash with light from my place in the parking lot, and my heart skips a beat. "Jay!" I shout, my tone hysterical.

Suddenly, the humming and whining of Pythor's machine ceases.

All I can hear is the sound of the breeze.

"Oh my gosh," I wail. "No!"

"Nya?" Lloyd says over the intercom. "Nya, what happened?!"

"Jay stopped it," I swallow, running for the nearest tree so I can scale it. "He must've stopped the explosion by absorbing it. I..." I shake my head, seeing a tree by a nearby house.

That's what I'm using to get inside.

I run for the tree. As soon as I reach it, I grab an overhanging limb, hoisting myself onto it. My rubber boots lend me traction as I plant my feet on the limb, then rise and take the next branch in hand.

Once I've climbed the tree to the height of the adjacent one-story house, I take the few feet leap from my current branch to the rooftop. I stretch out my arms to steady myself, then allow my training to kick in and race across the roof, heading for the next building.

"Nya," Lloyd says, "I just got in the parking lot. Where are you?"

"I'm on my way inside," I inform him, approaching Borg Power Corps quickly.

"You will not go in there," he orders. "There could be an electrical fire or power cord damage. Stay where you are, and I'll call for emergency help."

"Sorry, green leader," I huff, "but I'm going to have to disobey that command." I make the final jump to Borg Power Corps, barely latching on the top of the building before I topple onto the ground.

I heave myself up over the side, rolling carefully onto the roof to ensure I don't touch something I'll regret. A nearby power cord buzzes and sparks.

I swallow hard when I see the metal of the ladder leaning down inside. However, I readjust my rubber gloves and boots and push through, trying to avoid touching the rungs with any part of my body. Once I see I can safely jump to the ground, I do so, relinquishing my hold on the ladder.

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