Chapter 1

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***Why am I here early? Because I have two tests to study for this weekend, and I want to make sure I get at least some of this book material out ;)

I briefly considered splitting this chapter into two - it's over 4500 words - but it's an important first step in the story, so it's all lumped together here.

AND it's JAYA! And team antics, and some plot ;)***

***(Nya's POV; song for this chapter: "Jealous" by Labrinth)***

One week later

I press my back against the side of the edifice, breathing silently. Just around the corner lurks an intruder, and he has no idea I'm here waiting for him.

My eyes angle to Jay Walker, who's almost snuck up on our quarry. He hasn't been doing well with stealth lately – well, actually, he hasn't been doing well with much at all when it comes to missions – but he may have his game back today. I just hope this doesn't go like last time, when –

He cries out in pain as the intruder lurches for him, then he flails backwards. I hear the buzzing electrical sound. My heart jumps.

I run for him. "Your machine's malfunctioning again, Zane!" I yell, falling on top of a yelping Jay. I tug the electrodes off his head as fast as I can, my fingers trembling. Then I come down to unbuckle his vest, wincing in muted pain when I accidentally touch a metal wire. Shock ripples through my veins.

As soon as I have the garment unbuckled, I'm forcing it off his shoulders. He helps me, trying to wriggle out of it as fast as he can, and I chuck it across the patio.

Jay heaves a sigh of relief, letting his head drop to the ground. I lay there on top of him and steady my breathing.

My blue eyes lock on his, making sure he's okay, and that's when I realize how close we are.

"Hey," I murmur, a smile pulling at my lips.

"Hey." He reaches up one hand to touch my face, to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, when –

I pull back. Nope. Jay and I don't have that kind of relationship anymore.

Cole throws down his vest, moaning. "Jay, come on! You're the reason we've lost in the last four trial matches!"

I'm quick to come to his defense. "It was your fault the second time, Cole." I put an arm around Jay's shoulders, helping him to sit up.

"Whatever! We all know he's off, Nya. This is getting dangerous for the whole team!"

"Go away, Cole," Jay mutters, massaging his temple. "We need to get ready for school, anyway."

I pat his back. "It's Sunday, remember?"

He shakes his head. "Not really. The days all run together. I've got senior-itis, and I've got it bad."

"Same," Cole grouches, "but that's no excuse for your lack of technique lately. You know it's a complication to bring you on missions anymore, right?"

My arm tightens around Jay. I'm about to defend him again when Lloyd walks up, sporting a wet towel around his neck.

"I guess it's a good thing we haven't had any missions lately," he declares. "Now, I say we go get some breakfast."

Ever since we lost Wu, Lloyd's been our leader. I would have loved it just a few months ago: we were best friends. But now...well, a few months ago, he sort of...ruined me for relationships?

Oh, come on. The only person I can blame is myself.

I look back to Jay. "You'll be all right?"

"Yeah." He smiles a little. "Thanks, Nya."

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