Chapter 25

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***A 4,000-word chapter set to Josh Groban? Yes, please. BRING ON THE CHEEEEEESE.

Me: *crying* We've come so far! Getting closer and closer to that final chapter...


But don't worry, some of my favorite parts of this book are still yet to come! <3***

***(Skylor's POV)***

I survey the interior of the sea vessel. It appears we've packed everything necessary – provisions, clothes, weaponry. With good weather, we'll make the Dark Island by tomorrow night. I'm not holding my breath – Kai and I met with the police commissioner this afternoon, and he informed us that we're likely to face stormy weather. And that's especially bad for some of the places we'll be sailing through.

Nya and Jay retrieved Harumi from Kryptarium Prison a few hours back, and PIXAL and Zane Harumi-proofed the ship – we hope. I personally don't trust her, so I have no clue why Kai's team thought taking her along was a good idea. I mean, she totally was willing to kill them all for a power-stealing staff back in February.

She also used to skinny dip with Kai, but that definitely has nothing to do with my uncertainty about this.

Speaking of Kai...

I turn to where he's standing beside me and notice an unpleasant look on his face. He's been acting funny all day.

"You okay?" I frown.

He looks at me as though just remembering that I've been right next to him the whole time. "Huh?"

"I don't need to read your mind to see you're not feeling well. Everything all right?" I brush my fingers over his arm.

He rubs his temple. "Just a major headache I've had all day. I don't know where it came from."

"Do you need some rest?" I ask. "The others can take turns watching Harumi while I stay with you."

He nods, his expression as glum as it's been all day.

I lead the way down to the living quarters of the boat, settling down in an easy chair. Kai immediately flops into the room's bed, exhaustion weighing down on him.

I wouldn't be surprised if he falls asleep within the next few minutes.

I pull out my phone to text the others that we're ready to leave the dock once everyone else is. I don't want to keep Kai away from rest any longer than necessary – he's not feeling well at all.

"Skylor?" he asks, eyes closed.

"Yeah?" I set down my phone and focus my full attention on him.

"That feeling hasn't gone away."

I know exactly which one he's talking about. "You mean you're concerned that something is about to go really wrong."

He nods. "Nya told me recently that Sunny texted her to ask why she hasn't responded to her messages. She apparently sent Nya a birthday gift through the monastery mail and wanted to know if Nya had received it or not."

I choose my words carefully, knowing this is a touchy subject for him. "Kai...there's nothing wrong with your aunt sending a birthday present for Nya and wanting to make sure she gets it. It's not like she's asking Nya to meet her in some remote location. It's probably just a gift card or something."

Kai scowls, opening his brown eyes to squint at me. "She's not a good person, Skylor. She doesn't just send out birthday gifts without some ulterior motive."

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