Chapter 31

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***So I spent five hours at the campus library writing your last chapter. This chapter is kind of belated. I had to go to the store and get pizza rolls last night. That explains everything.

Also, don't you dare skip to the end until you've read the whole chapter.


This had to happen, guys. I'm sorry. YOU'LL ALL UNDERSTAND WHEN IT'S OVER-

i feel like an evil genius but i'm prolly not

Okay, I'm done. Without further adieu...***

***(Jay's POV)***

Nya's aunt essentially informed the police that she didn't want her new ward to leave the police station and go to a private home until she came to get her. And the lovely Aunt Sunny said that since Ninjago City is four hours from Ignacia, she wasn't coming to get Nya until the next morning.

And that's why Nya, Skylor, and I all slept at the police station last night. Kai's going to a mental hospital with Skye this morning while Zane and PIXAL try to figure out how to fix things with the sword.

Oh, and Cole's back. Lloyd took him his Lucidi-tea last night. Cole woke up and should be out of the hospital by this afternoon.

***Music Cue***

Right now, Nya's sitting next to me in the police chief's office. She's holding an old cup of sludgelike coffee, looking like she didn't sleep a wink. And I don't blame her – her life's a mess right now.

I rub her shoulder gently. "I'll come with you to help you settle into Ignacia today, Nya. And we'll have this fixed for you as soon as possible, I promise."

She looks at me hopelessly. "Mystaké told us when we called her last night that Kai must have drunk Insani-tea. There's no cure for it besides time. How much time depends on how strong his mind is – and knowing my brother, I'll have kids by the time he wakes up." She moans, scrubbing her hands through her hair. "I'm worried about Kai, Jay. I really am – he's my brother, and I hate seeing him so disoriented. But at least he's blissfully ignorant of all the horrible things going on in our lives right now."

"I promise we'll find a way to make this better, Nya. We're not just going to leave you to the devices of your creepy aunt."

"I'm not afraid of her like you think, Jay. I just can't go to her because...because you need me here." She swallows.

I read between the lines. She needs to be here, because the people who love her the most are here. But Nya still says she doesn't need anyone, so she won't reveal that to me.

"Lloyd brought us a motorcycle to drive to Ignacia today," I inform her. "While we were up late trying to sleep, I watched the weather channel on television. Looks like a sunny day for a ride."

"Everything about today is Sunny, apparently." She massages the bridge of her nose.

I smile sympathetically. "Don't worry, Nya. I'll be with you all day. And if your aunt will let me, I'll stay the night, too. Or maybe my bio-dad could wire me some money, and I could stay in a hotel."

She snorts humorlessly.

"What did I say?" I frown.

"Ignacia doesn't have hotels, Jay. Despite its size, it's very rural. You might find an inn to stay at, or some compassionate soul might let you stay the night. My aunt is not going to let you stay with us."

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