Chapter 29

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***Fun fact: I'm not giving Skylor the power of light in this book (and probably not the rest of the series, unless she touches Paleman) because it makes her too OP, in my opinion.

Also, now that I've done the whole age-thing on my feed and realized most of you guys are 13-15, I'm FREAKING OUT -

Like, now I'm super concerned that I'm going to write something really dark or kinda steamy and just...regret it later. I DON'T WANT TO STEAL YOUR INNOCENCE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Not that I've ever written anything that hot, but there is one scene in my computer files (not for this book) where Nya and Jay make out, and you pretty much know where it's going. HELP ERJNCU293RDENJK

But the truth is, ever since the 500 pack became a thing, I probably don't have to worry about anyone's innocence.

Oh, important: I needed another female elemental master to exist for future plot devices, so I created my own: the master of illusions. She won't play a huge part in my stories, but she essentially can create illusions of reality with her powers. And in keeping with this, this chapter is going to reveal something that might be slightly confusing, since I've never mentioned it before. There's a reason for that.

That was a long A/N.***

***(Jay's POV)***

I'm rudely awakened to a feeling of bitter cold, and I shudder, wanting to crawl back under my blankets. I must've fallen out of bed or something.

I blink against the cloudy feeling in my head and glance around, trying to find my bunk at the monastery. Or at the trailer with mom and dad. Or at sea.

I shake off my grogginess. Where am I?

"He awakens," someone rasps. "His powers will be back to full capacity now. Fetch Pythor."

Pythor...but isn't he...

I look up, but all I see is darkness. That's when it hits me – we're on the Dark Island.

Where's Nya?!

"Nya?" I call into the blackness, hoping we were trapped together. "Nya!" My head splits with pain at my shouting, but I carry on.

The only response is disturbing whispers from the shadows.

"Nya?" I say again.

A hiss from nearby. "Quiet."

"Oh, no," I moan. "Nya's not here. I don't want to be here alone! Any number of horrible things could've happened to Nya, and I'm supposed to be partnering with her in this!" I draw in a strangled breath, trying to calm myself down.

Okay, I can find a way out of here. I'm surrounded by weird shadow creatures, and my head feels like it would after a serious hangover. I've only ever been drunk once, and let's just say that Kai and Cole may enjoy it, but I do not. So yes, I know what a hangover is like.

"Calm yourself," Pythor's voice says flippantly from somewhere nearby.

I sputter. "You! You totally kidnapped me and drug me somewhere in the forest, didn't you? Where's Nya? Has she taken out half your forces yet, or three-quarters?" I try to sound a lot braver than I feel.

"None," Pythor sighs. "And yes, you're somewhere in the forest, but no, I can't tell you where your teammates are. They're all fine, I assure you. I need you for a project I'm working on."

He said 'teammates'. Does that mean he has Zane and PIXAL, too? And Harumi, even though she's not my teammate? And Kai, Skye, and Seliel?

"Fat chance!" I huff. "We're not here to help you with your giant conductor, Pythor." I try to summon my element in my hands, but they seem to be bound by a cold force.

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