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Hi everyone! I'm so excited that you are here and I really hope you enjoy this story. I also want to put out there I do proof read the story and put it through a grammar corrector but it doesn't always catch everything and I am dyslexic so I also may miss certain things. If that is the case please do not hesitate to reach out for me to fix anything. 

First of all this takes place within the realm of the Blackklansman movie but is set in a modern time instead of the 1970s. Also some details will change to help push the story along. With that being said there will also be smut in the fic. I will write warning ahead of time so anyone would wants or needs to skip it can. With that being said there will also be some fluff so it will have a little bit of everything. 

Also in parts of this fic I will address topics such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. These are personally subjects that I have gone through and writing it down has helped me process it. I totally understand that this can be triggering and I will not post anything without a warning. Also do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything. As I said I have gone through this and I understand how hard it is so if you need someone just to listen I am always here. :)

As for warnings, I will put it at the beginning of the chapter if it is heavy. Also I have mentioned above all the triggering topics that I so far have planned but if I think of anything new that can be triggering I will post it about the chapter just to give you a heads up. 

Anyways I really hope you enjoy reading Promises! It is my first piece so I am really excited to share it with you. 

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