hold on

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a/n: I just want to start off by saying THANK YOU for 1K!!!!! When I started this it was honestly because I was at a low point and writing has always helped me escape. I truly appreciate each and every one of you so again thank you and love you all!! You guys are the best!! enjoy this chapter and also here is a pre apology for the feels that are in this. 

*Song: Hold On Chord Overstreet*

Flip was holding on to your head crying over your unconscious body. He couldn't breathe. It was like the second your words cut off so did the oxygen. He could hear people yelling around him but he couldn't single out the words or whose voice. All that he could think of was how you were hurt. 

He finally was pulled out of his state when he heard the ambulance but he couldn't move. He was paralyzed with the fear that was coursing through his veins. He had everything planned. He was going to propose tonight by the river with the help of Olympus. He was going to ask to start a family with you. But he now held on to his future watching the shallow breathes move her chest. 

He heard Ron rattling off your facts to the EMT, "She is a 23-year-old, today is actually her birthday, she has a history of absence seizures. She hasn't had one since she was 13 though. She is allergic to penicillin and pistachios. She wears contacts and she also has an autoimmune disorder which she takes medication for." Ron then continued to in quick order listing the medication you take, including your birth control. 

Ron rattled it off so fast that Flip was caught off guard, he never realized how close they actually are. But he was thankful because of Ron, Flip can hold on to you. Flip was never a religious man he was Jewish but never really paid much attention to it. But at this moment he would pray to any God who would listen. 

The EMTs carefully took you off of Flip's lap and secured your neck while moving towards the ambulance. All while rattling off your stats. Flip never once let go of your hand. Before Flip got in the ambulance, he turned around to see Patrice and Ron clinging on to each other crying. Flip threw his keys and Ron and told him to run to her apartment and grab some things. 

The ride to the hospital felt like years and seconds all wrapped in one for Flip. His soul was so broken that he was just on autopilot. He was squeezing your hand begging you to hold on and telling you he needed you to survive. 

When the ambulance pulled up to the hospital the doors to the vehicle swung open and Flip saw the 3 nurses and a doctor already ready to receive his girl.

"Check her stats!"

"Are her pupils dilated?" 

"No Doctor." 

"Okay good rush her into the OR we will do the scans there." 

One of the nurses lightly pushed against Flip's chest and told him, "Sir I understand you are her family but you need to stay here so we can give her the best care possible." And just like that, the love of his life was rolled away. 





Flip had been sitting there for what felt like hours. Even though he was broken and crying he tried to think of the happy moments. One memory, in particular, keeps resurfacing. It was from the summer after he graduated high school. He had come for the month of July to visit Boston. Well, actually Cape Cod. 

Flip was in the water of the beach with you. You were splashing around in that little black bikini that he loved. Your curves filled it out perfectly and you had finally grown into your body. He was so focused on your beauty he hadn't even heard you talking to him until you were waving in his face. 

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