thirty seven - i'm sorry

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(yeonbin world domination me thinks)

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(yeonbin world domination me thinks)


"here!" seulgi waved at the boy who had just arrived.

"sorry i'm late, i got caught up after practice." he apologised.

"its alright soobin, what do you want to eat?"

the two of them had gone out for a meal to celebrate seulgi's success. they decided on a restaurant near their apartments, which they had been going to for as long as they had been friends.

the two of them quickly ordered and returned the menu to the waiter, who took them and added final notes to their orders. soobin excused himself to the washroom, where he washed his hands since he had rushed over from volleyball practice.

drying his hands carelessly on his shirt, he made his way back to the table where seulgi sat waiting for him; their drinks already served.

"this really feels like old times." she remarked, taking a huge gulp and chewing on the aloe vera bits that were in her drink.

"life was so much more carefree then too," soobin reminisced, "all we did fool around in and after class every single day."

seulgi opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again.



"just say it."

she was saved when the waiter appeared with their food, leading the both of them to shift their focus to the meal. the rest of the meal passed with the pair catching up with each other, and bringing up some of the recent events that happened.

"did you get back the math paper we had to do when we got kept in for break?"

"of course i did," soobin grimaced, "flunked it."

"you've really got to ask for help."

"and sit through extra hours when i already sit through class? count me out, thanks." he shovelled a huge bite into his mouth, "i only failed by ten marks, thats pretty decent i reckon."

their plates were soon polished clean, and they were now slowly finishing their drinks. the both of them were so full that they were sure they would pass out if they stood up to leave.

"when do you start training?" soobin asked first.

"in two months, but i'll have a short camp first; two weeks from now."

"the youth team huh? congratulations!"

"you aren't too shabby yourself captain."

"i wonder if yeonjun's doing okay..." soobin spoke up.

"he's probably passed out everyday from training." seulgi replied, "i heard its pretty intense over there."

"what if he's lonely? he looked pretty beat when we saw him in that video call."

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