twenty seven - follow your heart

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(flower soobin could step on me and i would say thank you)

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(flower soobin could step on me and i would say thank you)


after what seemed like ages, she reluctantly let yeonjun go. he looked up with a pout, similar to a puppy whose owner had suddenly stopped petting it.

"the sun's burning me." minyoung simply said, to which he rolled his eyes.

"you're burning my eyes." he acted as if he was shielding himself from bright light.

all she could do was laugh before turning to the rest of the group. to her surprise, they were not standing at where she expected them to be at, and she directed yeonjun's attention to their disappearance. 

"they're just jealous," he said dismissively before proceeding to cup her face in his hands, "how do you become even cuter?"

"i ask myself the same question everyday," she replied, "but i didn't know that you could be this touchy."

"you can learn more about me in the future." he winked before walking off.

minyoung could only let myself be dragged along, because even if her body did not want to, her heart definitely did.


"where's soobin?" seulgi questioned, realising that he was no longer with the four of them.

"he said he needed some fresh air, but..." beomgyu's voice trailed off.

seulgi exchanged looks with the rest of the boys and immediately knew what was up. she left the three boys and went on a search for soobin.

she checked all the places she could possibly think of, but he was not at any of those places. she tried calling him, but his phone had been turned off. she paused in her tracks and thought hard about where soobin could possibly be at. there was one place that she had not bothered to check as she had deemed it unnecessary, but as a last resort, she started to make her way to the local convenience store.

seulgi spotted the boy as soon as she stepped into the store, which had tables set up behind the shelves. he had a can of soda in front of him, which he was staring at intensely.

"so you really were here." she simply said as she took a seat opposite him.

he looked up at her, and seulgi's heart broke at the sadness in his eyes. she cleared her throat and tried again.

"soobin..." she started before soobin interrupted her.

"i'm supposed to be happy for my best friends, but why do i feel the way i'm feeling now?"

seulgi got up and went to the nearest fridge to grab another can of drink, which she placed on the table. she took a big gulp of it after opening it as she tried to come up with the best advice she had. it hurt her to see someone she cared so much about being so hurt, and the fact that it was over someone she cared about as well hurt her even more. soobin gave a long sigh.

"i know i don't match up to yeonjun in certain areas, but-"

"that's nonsense!" seulgi cut him off, "you're amazing the way you are. you're one of the best people i have and will ever meet in this lifetime! stop comparing yourself."

"i thought that if i made a move earlier i would be able to win her over, but i still lost in the end. what went wrong?" he buried his face in his hands as seulgi looked on.

she reached out to grab his hand, pulling them away from his face. he looked at her in confusion, making eye contact.

"listen, nothing went wrong," she began.

"do i have a problem i don't know about? is it my personality or-"

"i like you just the way you are, and its annoying how you're trying to change yourself!" frustrated, seulgi let go of his hand and stood up.

soobin opened his eyes wide as he stared at the girl he had considered his best friend since they were children.

"there's nothing wrong with you, alright? you're perfect the way you are, you're second to none in my eyes."

"i'm sorry seulgi, i really am." he spoke up but was cut off by her once more.

"just...don't. i know that the person you like is minyoung, and i won't hate her for that. she's my best friend, its not her fault either, but i cannot not bear seeing you putting yourself down just because of that. there are people who like you, i like you!" she took a deep breath before heading for the door.

soobin was left alone, trying to process whatever seulgi had just said to him. he had never once suspected that she would have feelings for him given their friendship, but whatever had just happened proved otherwise.

he brushed his hands through his hair. had he really never once viewed seulgi as more than a best friend, or had he just been too afraid to broach the subject? he finished the rest of his drink as he headed to the cashier to pay for seulgi's.

"she already paid for it." the person at the counter simply said.

"give her a chance, you never know how things will turn out." he continued, "have you ever felt anything more than simply friendship?"

upon seeing soobin go silent, he smiled, "you have your answer, don't you?"

"thanks, i guess." soobin answered awkwardly.

"just follow your heart!" the cashier called after him once he left.

"but my heart is..." his voice trailed off.

he deliberated on chasing after seulgi, but he did not really want to bring up the topic with her again for the day. his phone lit up with a notification that someone had sent him a text, and soobin did not know whether to reply or not.

he slipped his hands in the pockets of his jeans as he sighed for what might have been the hundredth time that evening. closing his eyes for a moment to feel the cool evening breeze blew gently on his face, he made up his mind and turned the opposite direction from home.

+sometimes i forget which chapters are still in my drafts and i just keep thinking they're already up oops haha so here it is! the chapter i thought was up ages ago!

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