eighteen - did you hear me at all?

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"this is nice and all," she reluctantly detached herself, "but i think we still have some things to  clear up."

"oh, okay." yeonjun let her go, a hint of disappointment evident in his tone.

he sat back down in the chair, leaning back and crossing his arms as he waited. his bright eyes never left hers, the usual spark of mischief especially pronounced.

"so," she cleared her throat and broke the eye contact, "aren't you going to start?"

"you haven't given me any material to work with," he drawled, "from my point of view, you just decided to go all cold one fine morning."

scoffing in disbelief, minyoung found herself lunging forward and tackling him off the chair. as the both of them rolled on the ground, she sat on him, attempting to hit any part she could reach.

"ow! let me go," he blocked off her attempts, "how are you so weak?"

in one swift motion, yeonjun had flipped them around and overpowered her. he stared down at her with a playful grin as he panted.

"could you imagine if we walked in and s-" the door flew open as a group of four boys and a lone girl entered.

the room was dead silent as their eyes moved from yeonjun to minyoung, who was still pinned underneath him.

"what in the world?" hueningkai shouted loudly before proceeding to cover beomgyu's eyes.

"save yourself." beomgyu removed hueningkai's hands and moved them in front of the latter's own eyes.

"all this time, we assumed you two fought and were nice enough not to ask. who knew you guys were closer than ever this entire time?" taehyun attempted to cover a snicker. 

it was then that minyoung realised that she was still lying on the floor, and she pushed yeonjun off her before she sat up. caught unexpected, he lost balance and landed on his butt, letting out a string of curses as he massaged it.

"would someone care to explain?" beomgyu was smirking as he gestured at them.

"well, it's really not what it looks like." yeonjun dusted himself off and spoke calmly.

"you better have something reasonable enough then." soobin spoke up for the first time.

"she pounced on me-" yeonjun began.

"wow, fiesty!" beomgyu cheered before taehyun slapped his hand over the former's mouth.

"it was simply an accident, non-intentional." yeonjun ended briefly, with an air of wanting to close the incident.

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