special (yeonbin au)

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in honour of pride month, i decided to write an one shot with an idea i came up with in the shower, because why not make my comments of "very close to jumping ship and have yeonbin end up tgt" a reality?

please note that this is simply a random idea of mine which i felt like updating and has nothing to do with the main story. anyways, stan txt <3


soobin had a secret. he kept this secret so close to his heart that not even his closest friends knew of it; none of them did.

it had taken him a while to come to this realisation, after years of trying to justify whatever he was feeling for his best friend. he had initially decided to bring up the idea to this particular best friend, but who knew how his friend would react?

"hey, i think i like you."

soobin shuddered at the thought. he would rather keep this a secret from his friend and have it gnaw away at him than potentially lose the friendship he cherished so much.

those damn feelings might have started when they entered high school. after being friends almost all their lives, one day something changed for soobin, and he found himself viewing his friend in a slightly, different manner.

he tried to hide those feelings of his, maybe even hoped they would disappear with time; that was way easier said than done. he tried, he really did, but why did that damn friend of his have to be so damn good at whatever he does?

choi yeonjun. star of the track team, always in the top ranks at school, and so darn handsome.

maybe he had always had those feelings, but he didn't understand them at all. they had sex ed in school, but the type of attraction he was feeling for yeonjun wasn't something they had been taught, so what was this feeling?

admiration, he just really admired yeonjun at that time. yeah, that was it, soobin was just really impressed by yeonjun's ability to excel in everything he did.

yeonjun instantly became the talk of the school, and gifts filled his lockers whenever valentine's day came around. actually, scratch that, he got gifts even if the day wasn't valentine's day. he turned them all down though, and soobin could not help but bask in the fact that ultimately, yeonjun still chose to hang out with him.

they hung out in a group, with three other friends they made in class. beomgyu and taehyun were soccer captains, whilst hueningkai was the ace of the basketball team. this naturally attracted more attention to themselves, and soobin was scared that he might lose the special bond he shared with yeonjun.

therefore, he joined the volleyball team. it turned out that he was really good at it, and soon made the starting line-up for the team. soobin had always been good at school, but he worked even harder than before, and naturally always came out as the top few ranks in school - so much so that people often liked to say that his only competition was yeonjun.

that was his plan exactly. it was only through constantly competing and being on par with yeonjun that he could ensure that the latter always paid attention to him. this worked really well for the first year, and his bond with yeonjun was tighter than ever.

"say, i heard that someone transferred into our school." beomgyu said as they hung out at taehyun's house.

"really? i hope it's a girl." hueningkai said expectantly as his fingers maneuvered the controls on his controller.

"pay attention! you're running into my path," taehyun smacked hueningkai's head lightly, "if we lose this round i'm kicking you out."

"i don't know, but they'll be coming tomorrow. who knows, they might be our classmate!" yeonjun spoke, watching the game on the tv.

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