fourteen - its because of you, but i don't want you to feel that

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(he's so cute sjsksusk)

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(he's so cute sjsksusk)


she fell into a pair of soft arms instead.

she opened her eyes hesitantly and a pair of eyes bore right into hers. she saw realisation fill his eyes before she was being pushed back up into a standing position. she thanked him awkwardly and determinedly stared at a spot a few feet away from him, unable to make eye contact.

"so," he was always the one to break the silence between them, "what did you and soobin talk about that got you so distracted?"

"o-oh, that was nothing." she brushed him off, not wanting him to know that they were talking about him.

"were you two talking about me?" he suddenly asked, "i bet its that one story the boys like to tell everyone they meet."

"i didn't say anything," she breathed out hesitantly before her lips curled up into a smirk, "but since we're at this point; mind showing me the picture from when you dyed yourself blue? i promise i won't show anyone."

his eyes widened when he realised that soobin had indeed told her; he was lying when he said the boys told everyone because he had sworn them to secrecy. but soobin had gone ahead and told minyoung simply because he found her pretty?

"i've got the mop!" soobin bounded back happily before his eyes landed on a glaring yeonjun. one glance between yeonjun's murderous gaze and minyoung's amused one made something click in his brain and he was off running as fast as his long legs could take him.

soobin dropped the mop desperately, hoping it would cut off yeonjun's path, but he tripped over it himself instead.

"choi soobin!" yeonjun was yelling as soobin hurriedly scrambled up and bolted.

as their voices faded, minyoung mumbled a silent prayer for soobin before she picked up the mop. after she quickly mopped up the mess they had made, she returned the mop to the closet and set off on her quest to find the two missing boys.

they couldn't have gone far, and she pricked her ears for any shouts that could indicate that soobin was still alive.

she saw a figure out of the corner of her eyes, sprinting towards her. this was followed by shouts of "stop running!" and "face me like a man, you long legged coward!"

before she had any time to react, the figure collided heavily into her. the force with which he had run into her literally sent her flying, and she landed painfully with a thud.

"oh no, i killed her!" soobin dusted himself off quickly and ran toward her.

she sat up slowly, focusing on getting her vision to stop spinning such that she could focus. her whole body was aching, but as she tried pushing herself up, a particularly painful twinge in her left wrist sent her flopping back onto the ground again.

"i'm fine," she waved soobin off with her right hand, "but could someone lift my left arm? i can't really feel much in that arm."

"like this?" yeonjun had caught up by then, and with as much gentleness he could muster, gingerly lifted her arm.

she winced and a hiss escaped her lips.

"seems like a sprain to me, but we better get it checked out just in case," yeonjun said swiftly, "can you stand?"

soobin reached out and hurriedly helped her up, continuously apologising for having run into her.

"it's alright, i wasn't really looking at my surroundings either," she tried to reassure him, "accidents happen."


"repeat that one more time so i can make sure i heard you right." my wrist had now been put in a cast, and it had already proved to be a huge discomfort in the grand total of fourty-seven seconds it has been on.

"you're a really funny man mr doctor sir, but i need you to tell me that it's fine." minyoung was beside herself in desperation, hoping that she had heard him wrong.

she fidgeted with the cast that she had been put in, which was already proving uncomfortable in the grand total of the forty-nine seconds it had been on.

"i'm flattered you find me humorous, but you fell on your wrist and its more than a sprain. it is still a fracture, albeit a hairline fracture, so i'm taking you out of sports for the next month at least." the doctor repeated tiredly, having been saying the same thing since she stepped into the room fifteen minutes ago.

"now wait, one m-" she was cut off by the doctor.

"no tennis for the next month, come back after that and we'll see if we can take it off." his tone shut me up, and she glanced at her arm sadly.

she came out of the room downcast, and two boys rushed to her urgently.

"why are you guys still here?" she started, "i'm fine, so you should really get going."

she was upset, but seeing two guilty faces in front of her was making her feel even worse than she already did. they kept apologising, and she cut them off.

"i just want to be alone for a while." she left without a second glance.

when she reached home, she lied and said that she ran into a wall when she wasn't paying attention. she didn't want her parents going to her uncle to ask what happened so she made up a lame excuse and hoped they didn't pursue it.

they shook their heads, but made no comment when she saw her downcast face. she made her way up to her room and closed the door behind her and as she made her way to her desk, she saw herself in the mirror and her gaze naturally drifted to the cast she now had on her arm.

her gaze gradually travelled to the tennis racket that leaned against the mirror before she felt her vision become blurry. the hot tears came down even though she tried my best to stop them, and as they kept coming, she let them.

no tennis for a whole month and possibly more. what was she to do now that she could not practise at her full capacity? the team selection was coming up soon, and with the lack of practice, the possibility of her making the team now seemed as thinner than a piece of string.

not even bothering to change, she fell on her bed and wept.


hello! firstly, yes we'll address the elephant in the room: how stupid was it to run into a wa- i'm kidding haha i know the chapter name is really long, and when i was typing it out i just kept thinking "this is the dumbest thing-" but my fingers just kept goddamn going. but yeah this came earlier than i expected and i have no idea how i'm going to solve this lmao i love throwing myself into holes!

edited 10/01/21

how do i tell past me that she did it and completed the story :")

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