twenty five - misjudgement

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"i really love the smell of this place." yeonjun glanced lovingly when they passed by the bakery.

"they have an amazing one that they only sell on odd wednesdays," minyoung told him excitedly, "they're lovely!"

"are those your favourite kind?" he questioned.

"they are, but keep them a secret though." she whispered into his ear.

he nodded and straightened up, and she could see him storing this piece of information carefully inside his head.

once they arrived at the gates to her home, she thanked him and loosened her grip on his hand. to her amusement, he held it even more tightly, refusing to let go as he grinned playfully at her.

"how do you expect me to wait till tomorrow to see you again?" he whined.

"patience is a virtue," she tapped his cheek lightly, "i'll text you before i go to bed alright?"

he seemed to deliberate on her offer for awhile, pouting as he did so. finally, he reluctantly let go of her hand.

"rest well, you'll need the energy for tomorrow."

she nodded with a smile before stepping into her house. waiting till she heard the sound of fading footsteps, she snuck to the gates and opened them again.

"ah ha! you couldn't bear to see me leave either couldn't you?" yeonjun jumped out at her.

"yes." she did not bother trying to defend herself, enjoying the way his grin grew even wider.

"its alright, i get it," he smiled, "now hurry in, its getting chilly."

he turned to leave, but stopped at her shout.

"wait," she ran up to him and placed some hand warmers in his hands, "your hands can't afford to be cold."

"of course, my hands are meant to keep yours warm."


despite her nervousness, she managed to drift off to sleep, where she dreamt that a thousand joohyuns were ferociously whacking balls towards her. waking up to a dull ache in my wrist, she groaned and tried her best to get ready without using it as much as possible.

"i can't afford this right now," she stared at her left wrist frustratedly, "i need you when i play."

she quickly got ready and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"no matter what happens, just know that we'll always be supporting you." her mum said as she passed her an egg.

she took small bites of the congee, too nervous to have the huge appetite she normally had. her phone lit up and she checked the notification.

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