Chapter 5

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I hear a loud bang and instantly shoot off my bed, I see Toby still fast asleep on the foot of my bed so it wasn't him.

"Autumn where are you?" I hear a man say but I can't tell who it is. I quietly walk down the hall and see Niall standing by the door with a worried expression.

"Dear lord Niall you scared me." I say letting out a sigh of relief.

" I know that you don't particularly like Harry but he is over at the apartment breaking stuff and repeatedly screaming your name. Can you come over and calm him down." He asks with desperation in his voice.

" I don't know Niall, I must look terrible." I say unsure, according to my mom a lady must always look proper and perfect.

" C'mon just do it for me, and you look fine." He pleads and I sigh in defeat and fix my skirt.

" Fine." I say and he grabs my hand and drags me over to his apartment. When I open the door a lamp is smashed against the wall next to me making me scream.

" Harry look it's Autumn, she is here." Niall says and pushes me through the doorway and into the trashed apartment.

" Why would you bring her here? Look what I've done." He says taking steps towards me his eyes full of regret.

" Why are you afraid of me?" He asks with a sinister smile.

" Niall." I say looking around not finding him.

" Are you scared?"

" Yes." There is no point in lying to him, he probaby already can tell.

" Why don't you like me?" He asks angrily, picking up a vase.

" I do like you." I lie, I want him to calm down and telling him I'm not very fond of him will not help.

" You're lying." He says through clenched teeth and throws the vase at the wall next to me making me let out another scream.

" I don't even know why Niall even brought you here." He says lowly shaking his head. He is so confusing, I thought Niall said he wanted me here.

" He asked me to come over because he said you were calling my name." I say furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

" Oh petals, my sweet sweet girl, I'm sorry for scaring you." He says walking towards me and suddenly wraps his arms around me and I squirm out of his grasp, hurt evident in his eyes.

" I'm not 'your' girl." I say with a frown and I walk to the door, ignoring how sad he looked.

" I'll be watching." He says quitely and I stop in my tracks, did I hear him correctly.

" What did you say?" I say turning to face him once again.

" I said 'I'll be seeing you' is something wrong with that?" He says with a evil smirk.

" Oh..I'm sorry I thought you said something else, my mistake." I say and walk back to my apartment feeling uneasy.

When I get inside I see Abi sitting on the couch with Toby in her lap.

" Oh my god Autumn this kitten is adorable what's it's name?" She asks excitedly and I smile.

" His name is Toby." I say sitting beside her.

" So where were you?" She asks as Toby jumps off her lap and wonders off into the apartment somewhere.

" Well the weirdest thing happened, Niall came over here and asked if I would go over to his place and help calm down Harry for some unknown reason, I almost got hit with a lamp. " I exclaim.

" Well that is weird." She says and I nod.

" I invited Niall over later to watch another movie and I don't know if he will bring Harry or not so I advise you to stay in your room for tonight." She warns.

" I have to study anyways I have a big chemistry test tomorrow." I say getting up from the couch just as the doorbell rings and I take that as my cue to go to my room.

Once I get in my room I go over to my dresser and pull out some leggings and a burgundy sweater and quickly put them on, and dig out a pair of fluffy socks. I go over to my bed and sprawl out all my chemistry books and notes and dig into chemical bonding which I have no idea how to do.

About an hour later and I throw my folder down and groan. I don't know the chemical formula for Silver Nitrate like really. I contemplate going out and getting something to eat because my stomach is growling like crazy and I also want to find out where Toby went since I haven't seen him since I got home. My stomach getting the best of me I get up from my bed and open my door quietly hoping that I won't draw any attention to myself. I successfully make it to our tiny kitchen without drawing attention since the room is dark the only light is coming from the tiny television across the room with three heads facing towards it, great that means Harry is here. I silently reach up to the cabinet containing the junk food and attempt to quietly get out a bag of barbeque chips but then a box of breakfast bars drops on the floor and I sigh as three heads turn towards me, I must look like a deer caught in headlights.

"Autumn what are you doing?" Abi asks pausing the movie.

"Well I couldn't figure out this one equation and I was hungry so I came out here trying to be a ninja but I failed. I'm sorry for interrupting your movie." I apologise causing someone to laugh, it was probably Harry. He just doesn't know manners, I mean he almost hit me with a lamp and vase earlier.

" It's alright, do you wanna join?" She asks and I shake my head even though they can't see in the dim lighting.

" No I really need to figure it out, I don't want to fail this. " I decline her offer and start to walk out of the small kitchen with the chip bag in my hand.

" I can help you I took a Chemistry class last semester." I recognize the voice belonging to Harry.

" Harry I don't think that is a good idea." Abi says, thank god for my bestfriend.

" Really I can help." He says and I hear shuffling indicating he as gotten up and I run back to my room and lock the door.

" Petal c'mon I really can help." He says knocking on my door.

" No it's fine really I think....I'm pretty sure I figured it out thanks for offering though." I lie hoping he would leave.

" I don't believe you." He says in disbelief, I am a terrible liar because of course proper ladies never lie.

" I just don't want you in here." I say truthfully and I hear him sigh but nothing else, assuming he left I unlock the door and lie back down, I shove my hand in the chip bag and go back to my notes.

A/N so how are you guys coping with Zayn leaving? I'm still pretty upset about it because One Direction is my whole world and my almost nonexistent heart feels like it has been ripped out of my chest. So idk hope you guys like this and I'd love if you lovely people would vote or comment or both idc. I'm in algebra about to take a test so byees

We can make it till the end


Words: 1272

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