Chapter 4

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" Autumn I'm so sorry." I hear Abi say as she walks forward to wrap her arms around me.

" I just hate how my mom basically brainwashed me. Sit up straight, close your mouth when you eat, always walk with your head up, never cry in front of people, don't curse, always act like a proper lady." I say my voice cracking as I list just a few of the things my mother told me I must do or I would get punished.

" I know Autumn." She says in a comforting way letting me go.

" I hated those Catillions, being surrounded by dozens of girls that were 100 times prettier than me and those horrible etiquette classes." I say as the tears threaten to fall but I quickly wipe them away and blink rapidly.

" It's alright Autumn." I hear Niall say and I gasp not realizing he had been here, he must've heard everything.

" No it's not you don't understand, my mom was living the life she wanted through me and it sucked being forced to do so. I mean I was never able to do things that normal teenagers would've done I never got to go out and have fun and now I've been getting creepy texts ever since I met Harry!" I yell but slap my hand over my mouth at the realization that I mentioned the texts.

" What texts?" Abi asks giving me a questioning look.

" It's nothing to worry about, I can handle it myself." I say trying to dismiss the subject.

" No you can't Autumn." She insists.

" Abi if Autumn says she can handle it, let her handle it, from what I can assume she moved here to be free and you should let her make her own decisions." Niall says and I smile at him.

" At least someone understands." I say with a huff raising my arms.

" Fine, but if it keeps happening I'm calling the police." She says.

" Hey I meant to ask you can we get a cat?" I ask with a pout.

" Why a cat?" She asks sceptically.

" Just please, pretty please with cherries on top?" I beg childishly.

" Ugh fine we can get a cat you big baby." She says finally giving in.

" Yes!" I say doing a little happy dance.

" Okay well Niall and I want to finish our movie so goodnight." She says and opens my door.

" Is Harry still here?" She asks Niall as they walk out of my room. Dear Lord I hope he isn't. I turn off the light and go back to my bed lying down on the soft mattress and not long after I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to my alarm clock, what I didn't set any alarm I don't have school or work today, I roll over and hear something crinkle under me, what the heck is going on. I lift my back and reach to grab whatever is under me, it's a piece of paper it even has my name scribbled on it. I get off my bed and go over to my window opening the curtains to read the note, It definitely isn't Abi's handwriting.

Autumn you look beautiful when you sleep almost like an angel.

Okay what the heck who was in my room last night watching me freaking sleep. I close my curtain again so I won't forget later and turn on the light and I walk across the hall and into the bathroom locking the door behind me. I turn on the water and adjust it until it is the right temperature, I strip down and step in the warm water smelling the familiar scent of my vanilla body wash.

When I'm done with my shower I wrap a towel tightly around my body. I walk across the hall and open my bedroom door and almost drop the towel, I see Harry sitting on my bed.

"What....what are you doing in my room?" I say quietly because yelling is unlady like. Dammit.

" Um some of your mail got mixed with mine, but I see you are busy goodbye petal." He says laying the envelope on my dresser walking out as I just stand there with my mouth hanging open. What the heck is wrong with that guy. I walk over to my dresser and pull out my favorite black lace bra and underwear and put them on. I go over to my closet and pull out a white laced crop top and a navy blue skirt. Once I'm dressed I grab my purse and phone typing in the location of the nearest pet store into the GPS in my phone. When I leave the apartment I see the same pale skinned guy that I saw before leaning against the building across but this time his cigarette is lit and he has his phone held up to his face. I ignore him and continue walking in the direction of the pet store.

When I get to the pet store I see a variety of toys, foods, treats and whatever else people get for their pets. I walk over to the area that has the cats and I walk up to the sales clerk.

" Hello I'm looking to buy a kitten, do you have any?" I ask him politely.

" Ah yes we have a few calico, tabby, and maine coon kittens. Do you prefer long or short hair?" He asks and leads me to the back where the cats are.

" Um I don't know can I just see the kittens please."

" Of course M'am here they are." He says and I look in a window and see dozens of kittens running around and playing or curled up in a little ball sleeping. My eyes scan over the kittens until I see one sitting all by itself in the corner of the playpen area. It has fluffy grey and white fur and each of its front paws are completely white.

" Is that one a boy or girl?" I ask the man while pointing to the lone kitten.

" It's a he." He says and even though I wanted a girl there is something about him that makes me want to get him.

"I'll take him." I say and the guy goes to the pen and picks him up carrying him over to me.

" Now you need to fill out some paperwork but other than that he is all yours." The guy says handing me the kitten and I want to scream, mother never let me have a pet and I've always loved the name Toby.

About an hour later I walk out of the store with 5 different collars, a variety of toys and treats, kitten food, a litter box, a small bag of kitty litter and Toby secured in a cardboard box. How am I going to carry all of this.

" Hey petal do you need help?" I hear a deep raspy voice say from behind me. I turn around and sure enough I see a pair of green eyes staring at me intently.

" Um....yeah sure...I guess so." I say unsure If I really want him to help me or not but seeing as I have no other option I agree.

"Great, lets go." He says grabbing the kitty litter and cat food while I'm left with the lighter stuff. The whole walk back to our apartments Harry keeps trying to make small talk but I ignore him and focus on the quiet meows coming from the box.

When we get back to my apartment I tell him to sit everything in my room.

"Can I stay?" I hear him ask as he sets the stuff beside my bed and I lift Toby from the box and gently set him on the floor.

"No, Harry go home." I say hoping he will oblige my request but I know he won't.

" Am I not good enough for you? Is that what it is?" He yells.

" What are you even talking about?" I say getting frustrated.

"Nothing...I'm just going to go." He says and leaves me confused. I go to the kitchen and grab two metal bowls and fill one with water bringing it back to my room I fill the other one with food and right away Toby comes running to eat. While he is eating I set the litter box in the corner next to my closet and fill it with litter. After I'm done I lie down on my bed and get on Netflix to re-watch season 3 of Once Apon A Time. I hear soft meows coming from the floor next to my bed, I lean over and see Toby standing up on his hind legs clawing the blanket that layed over my bed and onto the floor. I laugh at him and gently pick him up setting him on my lap where he curls up closing his eyes not long after I do the same.

So here is the next chapter, hope you like it and if you do vote And comment because you love me.

For tonight lets just pretend


Words: 1524

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