Chapter 25

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Abi and Niall left to go to some cabin leaving me alone for the whole weekend. I lie back on my bed thinking about pretty much everything that is happening in my life. I feel much more liberated, like I could do anything I want. Harry and I have kept up with the friends with benefits agreement but I'm afraid that I am starting to fall for him and that scares me. I sigh and grab my phone from the nightstand typing in his number and put the phone to my ear.

" Hello." His deep voice says through the phone.

" Do you want to come and watch a movie with me?" I ask sweetly into the phone waiting eagerly for Harry to respond. Knowing that watching a movie usually leads to something else.

" I'll be over in 5 minutes." He says softly and I feel like my stomach is doing flips. What is wrong with me?

" Okay." I say and end the call. I quickly get off my bed, and picking up the various clothing that are lying around my room.


When Harry enters my room his shirt is soaking wet. I rush off my bed and go to my dresser pulling out a black shirt that he left here a while ago that I kept.

" Why do you still have this?" He asks replacing his wet shirt with the dry one that I handed him.

" I sometimes sleep in it, oh my gosh that sounds weird I'm sorry." I blush looking down at my feet

" Hey it's okay I like the idea of you wearing my clothes." He says tilting my chin so I am looking up at him and I feel my stomach doing flips again. Why is this happening?

" Right so lets get to the movie." I say clearing my throat tearing my eyes from his. Harry takes off his shoes and lies down on my bed, I grab my laptop plopping down next to him placing the computer between us.

" You can pick this time." I say happily turning the screen so he can pick a movie. He scrolls through Netflix until he finds the one he wants.

" The Notebook?" I ask holding back a laugh and he nods briefly. Why is he being so quiet?

" Are you okay, you are awfully quiet. Is something wrong?." I ask looking over at him. I take his hand in mine,and interlock our fingers together as the movie starts.

" I'm sorry Autumn I can't do this anymore." He sighs pulling his hand from mine making me whine from the loss of contact.

" Can't do what?" I ask confused.

" This, the whole friends with benefits thing." He says getting up from the bed.

" Why? Did I do something wrong?" I ask scared and confused, I look up at him with pleading eyes because I know if he left me then I will surely break completely. I can't lose him.

" Just know this, if I ever win you." He says anger bright in his pale green eyes. " It will be because you wanted me more." He says with certainty in his voice. He looks at me once more and walks out of my room leaving me sitting on my bed alone and confused. Does this mean he has feelings for me or does he just not want me anymore? Whichever one it is he has already won me and it is time I man up and tell him. I'm not exactly sure what love feels like but I know that I feel something for him whether it be love or just a simple crush, whatever it is I'm not going to let him go without a fight. I scramble off my bed and run out to the living room pulling my skirt down in the process since it had ridden up from laying in bed. I frantically search for a pair of shoes but I can't find any.

" Screw it." I whisper harshly to myself and roughly pull the front door open I rush out into the pouring rain. I look around and see Harry taking out his apartment keys pushing his door open.

" Harry!" I yell running over to him my bare feet squishing through the muddy grass and he turns around to face me.

" Autumn I can't do this anymore, it's killing me to continue doing this when I know you won't ever fully be mine." He says sadly turning back around, walking into the doorway of his apartment but I put my hand on his shoulder and pull him back into the rain. He gives me a confused look as I lean forward and smash my lips against his, a tingling feeling spreading across my entire body and it is like nothing else exists, only his lips on mine.

" You were right, I do want you." I breath as rain trickles down our faces. "More than anything." I say and gasp as he lifts me up throwing me over his shoulder. He doesn't say anything as he opens his apartment door and walks to his bedroom, I start to regret telling him because he hasn't spoken a word since. I must look like a complete idiot.

" Did you mean what you said?" He asks laying me down on his bed making his bed sheets wet and muddy from my clothes and feet.

" Yes, every word." I say watching as he peels his wet shirt off revealing his tattoos.

" I am obsessed with you Autumn Mason, I have been since the day I laid my eyes on you." He says climbing on top of me. "And right now all I want to do is fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week." He growls attaching his lips to my neck and I let out a moan as he sucks and nips at my skin kissing the mark he made.

" You are mine, all mine." He rasps claiming my lips with his own.

"Yes, yours." I moan against his lips. I am completely lost in the moment the feeling he gives me is indescribable. His hands trail down my stomach but stops once the sound of a phone going off is heard. He groans and rolls off me, leaving me a panting mess.

" What?" He snaps into the phone smirking over at me." Fuck, now?" He says angrily and I flinch." Alright fine." He sighs defeated and ends the call.

" Is everything alright?" I ask softly.

" Go change clothes, I need you to meet someone." He says sternly and I get up from his bed my feet leaving muddy footprints on his carpet.

" Okay." I nod walking towards his door and squeal once I am pushed up against it.

" We can finish later." He kisses my neck and lets me go. "If you still want me." He adds quietly as I walk out of his apartment and into the pouring rain once again. There is nothing he could do to make me run away from him so what's he afraid of?


" Are you ready to go?" I hear Harry's voice yell as I put my jacket on.

" Yeah." I yell back turning off my light and walk out to where Harry is standing with an umbrella in hand.

" Hey petal, you look perfect." He says kissing me sweetly and I blush.

" Lets just go meet this mystery person." I laugh and walk out the door with Harry by my side.

A/N Heyyyyy mah homies wat up, yea idek why i just did that hahaha SO WHO DO YOU THINK THEY ARE GOING TO MEET???????? pls answer.....i really don't have anything else to say except my foot is stilll broken and rn it hurts like hell lol but im okay ill update for you guys oh yeah thanks to mah editor for finaly editing this and yea vote and comment because...well I'm a boss ass bitch I'm going to go see poltergeist in 3D so wish me luck and yeah okay byees

I can't contain this anymore, I'm all yours, I got no control


Words: 1323

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