Chapter 2

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I finish my shift at 1 o'clock and head back to the apartment to change clothes before I go to my Chemistry class at 2:30 . As I'm walking across the street to my apartment I get that feeling of being watched again, this time I don't bother to look back I just speed up and run to my apartment hastily opening the door making Abi scream from the couch.

" Autumn Mason! What the hell!" She yells.

" I just got a weird feeling thats all." I shrug and walk to my room.

" Okay now you can tell me why you were late last night." She says following me to my room.

"Let me get dressed first." I say going to my closet and pull out a burgundy skater skirt and a black crop top. Abi turns around and I quickly change.

" Okay so last night, this drunk guy was trying to get me or something so I started running and when I was turning the corner I ran into this guy and he asked for my number so I gave it to him. Basically I met a cute guy that asked for my number and ran away from an old drunk guy. " I explain putting on a pair of black flats.

" Why on earth would you do that?"

" I don't know, he seemed like he would be a nice guy." I shrug as I grab my bag and my chemistry stuff.

" Bye Abi I'll see you later and stop worrying about me, sometimes you act like my mom. You know she is the reason why I moved out here." I laugh and give her a hug.

20 minutes and one bus ride later I finally make it to my university and I have 10 minutes to get to my class that is on the other side of the building.

I enter the room and I am immediately tackled by Zayn. I met him the first day when he ran into me knocking all of my books on the ground, luckily he was nice enough to help me and we just kinda became friends.

"There you are I was worried you died or something." He says and I laugh.

"So what lab are we doing today?" I ask him walking over to our lab table.

"Um reactivity of Alkaline Earth metals." He says and I flip through the 100 page lab booklet till I find the one I want.

"Okay class I will be monitoring your lab skills today so be resposible and hopefully nothing explodes." He says and we all laugh at the last part.

"Okay Autumn lets get going, hand me a pair of goggles." Zayn says and we get to work.

Zayn and I were the first ones who finished the lab so the professor told us we could leave early.

" Do you want to go to the coffee shop?" He asks and I nod desperate for a caramal latte right now. When we get to the coffee shop I immediately run to get in line.

" Calm down Autumn, you will get your latte." He laughs but I'm to busy glaring at the guy in front of us to care.

" Zayn would you order for me? I can't take standing in this line anymore, I'll find us a table." I say stepping out of the line as he nods.

I find a table in a corner, I sit down and start playing a game on my phone until I hear the chair in front of me screech.

" Back already-" I stop once I lift my head to see a pair of pale green eyes instead of Zayns hazel ones.

"Oh hey Harry, what are you doing here?" I ask giving him a smile uncrossing and recrossing my ankles.

" Who is that guy you are with?" He says with his jaw locked and completely disregarding my question.

" Um that would be Zayn." I say awkwardly.

" So is he like your boyfriend or something?" He asks with an angry expression.

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