I am truly sorry| not a chapter

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So hey guys it's Ray or poopsi toots.

I have a explanation to make.

I am truly sorry, I haven't really updated.

I have been working on love from a masquerade. You guys are gonna love it, it's a whole new setting and like a WHOLE NEW WORLD.

but I haven't been myself. I'm trying to get back to my writing self.

So I, I haven't been myself for away. I've had a lot of problems. I'm breaking down. I have a lot on my plate right now.
There is a lot happening in my family, and then with me. 

I know this isn't the best explantation, but I am really trying.

I am only one damn person.

We all have are demons
Are troubles.
And yes they can be hell of strong and they can break us.
They may be demons, but we are fighters, I won't let my own damn demons get the best of me.

And you guys shouldn't either.

I am sorry I haven't been updating. 😭😭😭😭😭 I love writing, it's a passion of mine.

💜💜I love you all.❤️❤️

I hope you all understand

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