Chapter 23

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Grievous was screaming in anger as he tore apart clone troopers in the Venator hangar. His droid legions were wreaking havoc in the battle. Slashing an ARC trooper, Grievous saw that his opponents were retreating. Still enraged, he and his magnaguards ran after them. After killing the survivors, he found himself in a long hallway.

'Status report!he screamed on the comm.

'General! We have acquired the Venator hangar. More droids are coming in.

'Good! I want to direct the main force to the reactor and destroy it! The ship will cripple and explode after that.

'Yes sir!

Closing the comm link, Grievous watched around. His magnaguards were waiting silently.

'What are you waiting for?! We will find that Jedi and eradicate him!

The bodyguards nodded and followed him.

On the main bridge...

'General! The droids have destroyed our forces in the hangar and are closing in to the Reactor Chamber.

'We must defend it at all costs!

The two of them left the bridge, but while turning a corner they bumped into Grievous himself. Shaak Ti fell down, but Grievous remained still. The magnaguards didn't even let the ARC trooper to fall down , they killed him imidiately.

'So, the Jedi I was searching for comes right into my hands...

He picked her up by the throat.

'I remember you... you are Shaak Ti.

The Jedi Master was trying to escape the cyborg's grip but it was useless. While looking at one of the few Jedi that survived encounters with him, a droid contacted him.

'Sir! We have taken control of the Reactor Room.

'Good, plant the bombs and retreat to the Hangar. I will arrive shortly.

Still holding the Jedi, Grievous got her lightsaber.

'I think you won't be needing this anymore.


'Don't worry, I won't kill you. You are too valuable alive Council Master!

Grievous knocked her down.

'Get her back to the Hangar and transport her back to my ship.

'Yes sir!

Grievous left the magnaguards and barged into the Command Deck. He slaughtered with his new lightsaber the pilots and clones. Looking at the navycomputer, he ordered the ship to crash into another Venator. Setting the ship to autodestruct, he ran away to this Soulless One. Reaching in the last seconds, he flew the ship out in space. The droid dropships returned back to the Malevolence too. After a few moments, a large explosion appeared after two Republic starcruisers were destroyed. Grievous was happy. Very happy. He was surprised to see that Dooku was contacting him.

"Grievous! What are you doing?

'I am fighting a full Republic task force! With only one Malevolence. Where are the others?!

'I have withdraw them back here, at the Star Forge. The situation is getting worse. The Republic sent here a third part of their entire fleet! Can you imagine that General? I needed them. And I need your ship too.

'Fortunately that I am almost ready to flee.

'Good. I am... the Jedi have breached into the Forge! Farewell General! Be quick!

The transmission was cut off. Grievous reached the Hangar. Looking at the battle, he saw that they were going to be destroyed if they continued. Even if the Venator ships have been destroyed, there were still 6 Aclamator Class ships. And they were at 50% integrity. Hm... maybe having Shaak Ti onboard will help. Speeding to the Bridge, he found there the Jedi, surrounded by magnaguards. Entering the Command Deck, he observed that Shaak Ti was injured. She was silent.

'Jedi... you are wounded.

'Then I will die...


Shaak Ti was surprised.

'Get her to the Med Bay now!

The magnaguards escorted her carefully. The Jedi was indeed surprised. Grievous sent a signal to the enemy fleet. An admiral responded.

'This is Admiral Gan Tona. Why are you calling us?

'I want to let me go from this battle.

'What a bold statement. Why would we do that?

'I have Jedi Master Shaak Ti onboard. From what I know, you can't let her die.

'You have no proof!

'Check this, admiral!

Grievous transmitted video images with Shaak Ti in the Med Bay.

'She is heavily wounded, so I let her go to the Med Bay. Now, would you let me retreat? I no longer want your planet.

After thinking a few moments, the Admiral said:

'Very well... call back your starfighters and I will stop the attack.

'Good deal, Admiral. I heard there is a huge battle in the Rakata System. You should check it.

The Admiral laughed and closed the transmission.

'Good riddance, republic scum! Captain!

The droid responded:

'Yes, General?

'Prepare to jump into Hyperspace. Set course to Rakata!

'Right away sir!

After stopping the attack, the Malevolence II left Corellia, leaving it back to the Republic...

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