Chapter 20

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In the Chancellor's office...
'Grievous just obtained a fleet of Malvelonces! How could that have happened?
'Hm, powerfull weapons , Grievous has found. Find them, we must.
'Easy to say, master Yoda...
'We can't let Corellia under CIS control though,Obi Wan said.
'Nothing , we can do. The blockade , impenatrable is.
'We must meditate on this. It seems Grievous is still on Corellia.
Palpatine pushed a button under his desk, and a hologram appeared.

'Chancellor, we have acquired the position of a secret CIS factory! 

'Good... see Master Kenobi? Our Intelligence has located the source of the fleet creator! You must go and destroy it!

'What are the coordinates of the factory?

'Hm... it seems it is in the Rakata System. It is named... the Star Forge!

'But  that type of space stations was destroyed thousand years ago, in the age of the Old Republic!

'It seems you have been mistaken, master Jedi. You must go and eliminate it. No doubt, Count Dooku took possesion of it and he's using it at full capacity. 

'Very well... but we can't go directly to attack it. It is surely heavily defended!

'We must send the Jedi Knights to do this. And our best Republic officers!Palpatine suggested.

'Very well. What about Corellia?

'We can't hope to defeat Grievous while he has his deadly fleet. 

'Oh, but I have found out that Grievous sent most of his fleet offworld. He only has one Malevolence left to guard him. His overconfidence will be our succes!

'Good, then Kenobi can go and deal with Grievous, while we are going to destroy the Star Forge!Mace Windu said.

'It is settled then...

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