Chapter 6

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The door opened vert slow. Grievous was tired of waiting. He wanted to find the answers so badly.

'I hope you didn't call for me unless you have something usefull to say, Admiral.

'Yes... you wante to know the source of Revan's power! I can assurre you, you will never find it!

'You imbecile! You just signed your death treaty!

'No no! I meant I don't know the location of his base, but I know how he gots his troops!

'Good! Then tell me... I'm listening.

'Revan was guided in the past, after he returned from his journet through the Unknown Regions, to find an acient planet, Rakata. You see, long before the Republic was created, there was a powerfull Empire controlling the Galaxy. The Infinite Empire! They created the Holocrons, discovered the hyperspace routes! But at one point, they died, and only the luckiest of them escaped on their home planet. They were building their army from a powerfull Space Station, the Star Forge! Only one remained, and Revan found it orbiting Rakata. It powers from absorbing the power of the stars. It creates through Force ,starships and fighters in a matter of hours!

Grievous lost himself in thoughts. If this man's words were true, then he may be defeated. But if he could achieve the control of the Star Forge, he would dominate the galaxy! Even those mongrels from the CIS, everyone!

'Thank you, for cooperation. I can give you a choice now. Die now by my hand or go to the Republic Tribunal for war crimes. I promise you the death would be quick.

'What? Why?

'Because the Senate won't allow you to live. I can rid you of the condamnation by killing you now.

Karath seemed to be lost in thoughts. He was going to die anyway. Even if he escaped back to Revan, he would be killed. Going back to Republic would be pointless. But...

'My General, maybe I could be of assistance to your cause!


'With my knowledge and skill, I may be a great commander under your might!

'But you don't have a foot left!

'You don't seem to have many organic parts left.

'Arghhh! I must think of this...

'Thank you! I can assure you, you won't be dissapointed!

'Don't celebrate yet! I'm still thinking. I want you to preform a test first. You will see...

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