Chapter 8

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The Jedi Temple looked the same as it did in the Clone Wars. No changes whatsoever in 3000 years. Good. That shows the Jedi weakness, thought Grievous. He was followed by two magnaguards, his favourite ones. He was also wearing a white cloak caped in red on the interior. Shining in the Coruscant's Sun he prepared to enter the Jedi Headquarters. Two guardians approached him.

'What buisness do you have?

'What? Oh, I am looking forward to meet your Jedi Masters.

'I'm afraid that's not possible. The High Council is on an important meeting. Besides, what can you possibly discuss with the Council? You're just a droid.

'Watch your tone puny jedi!

'An insulting droid! I think you need a memory wipe.

'I think you need to reconsider your words.

Magnaguards! Make him suffer, but don't kill him!

'A droid with guards? You're a special kind. Your blasters won't have any effect!

'That's why they use electrostaffs! Attack!

The other guardian looked amused. He let his comrade destroy the magnaguards. But to his surprise, the androids were wielding the staffs with great skill. The Jedi was barely holding his ground against them. He was prepared to intervene when a magnaguards jumped in his opponent's back and electrocuted him. The Jedi fell uncounciusnous. Even the padawans around looked amazed.

'I hope that treacherous guard learnt his lesson. You! Show me the way!

'We can't let you in!

The General ignited his lightsabers.

'I won't hesitate to kill you!

'You have lightsabers... the guard seemed to lose confidence. And will to oppose him.

With a frightened voice, he answered:

'I'll show you the way. I didn't catch your name, sir.

'General Grievous.

'Alright. Follow me.

The Jedi Meeting Chamber was full of ilustrous High Members: Master Vrook, Master Vandar, Master Atris and many others. They were discussing about the rescue of Bastila Shan and the new factor in the Jedi Civil War: Grievous. The door slid open and the Kaleesh Warlord entered confidently.

'Who are you? Atris demanded angrily. No one was entering the meeting unanounced.

'I am General Grievous! Leader of the Confederacy Fleet and Army. Bane of Jedi and Sith alike and in this case, your Order's savior.

'High words those are from a mere droid. Vandar spoke.

'Another greeny Jedi! It seems only your race occupies the Grand Master seats.

'This information how can you know?

'Classified information. Now, I think you know that I have rescued a Jedi from Taris and I have carried her back to Coruscant. I want something as a reward.

'What thing would that be?

'Acces to your datacrons and holocrons.

'Depends on what you're seeking.

'Full access.

The Council Members were shocked. That was very much to ask.

'I'm afraid we can't let you.

'Then I will keep the Jedi. I was looking for a pet after all.

'You can't keep a Jedi as a pet, droid! Who are you after all? A good tactician but nothing more. Atris said.

'You dare mock me, female?! Then let me demonstrate your incapability. Fight me!

'That would be a waste of time.

'Such arrogant answers from a lowly mannered Padawan.

'Padawan? I am a Jedi High Member!

'Still a coward to refuse me.

'Very well. Maybe you need to a memory wipe. The hard way!

'Indulge me, Jedi scum!

Vandar was impressed by the General's behaviour. He could sense a presence of the Force in him. Weak but still a presence. That was not a droid. He was prepared to stop Atria when his eyes were shocked. The droid let down his cloak and ignited two lightsabers. But then , he showed two more hands and two more ligtsabers. Atris was impressed as well. But she confidently attacked. Grievous parried and began unleashing his fury. He was slashing with all four hands. Atris was defending with little effort. She decided to push away her opponent with the Force. Forseeing the attack, Grievous evaded her attack and jumped in her black. With his clawed feet,he began trashing Atris on the floor then threw her in the wall. His four arms began rotating and he charge at her enemy. Atris was doonmd but she stood up and unleashed Green Lighting. This surprised the General. The Force attack threw him back, leaving him unarmed. Atris pressed her advantage and jumped ready to kill him. But one of hid hands caught her leg by surprise and began swinging her around. Losing her lightsaber, Atris was trashed on the floor. Grivous began choking her, but Vrook speaked.

'Enough, General!

Grievous loosened his grip and threw Atris in her seat.

'That's your place, Jedi, on a chair, studying the arts of duel. You are nothing compared to me.

Atris was exhausted and didn't say anything. Vandar spoke:

'Most impressive, General. Where did you learn these styles?

'From a former Jedi.

'Still, they are remakably advanced but still, your fury makes them a little bit sloppy.

'That's why I want to perfectionate myself. I want acces to holocrons.

'But for what purpose?

'Defeating Revan of course. I cannot defeat him whitout being informed.

He was hoping his lies would work. Of course he could defeat Revan right on spot, and if not, the aid of the magnaguards would have surely made him the winner, but he needed the holocrons, sith holocrons to be exact. With them, he could become a master duelist, better than even Dooku.

'I sense no lies in you. Acces I think we should give you.

'Vrook, why would we do that?

'I will give you pricefull information and your little Jedi back.

'I want to hear what you want to say. Vrook said.


General Grievous began explaining the source of Revan's power, a place of dark side, capable of absorbing stars and fueling a war effort.

'Incredible. How did you find out?

'I interrogated Saul Karath.

'You captured the Sith Grand Admiral? I am impressed by your actions. Very well. Atris has the acces codes and a bried introduction to the Archives. Atris...

The female Jedi was ready to protest but she didn't. She followed her orders and led Grievous to the Jedi Archives.

'Great destiny I sense in him. Master Vandar said.

'I too feel that. But I am afraid he may be our doom.

'No, he won't destroy us, but he will have a part to play in our downfall. Unfortunately, it's for the best. Now, with his help, the Civil War looks brighter than we thought...

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