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Grievous was waiting in the Count's Command Centre on Serenno. He was furious and sick of waiting the old man.

At last, the Sith appeared and sat at his desk.

'I am very dissapointed that you have lost the battle, but I realize that the odds were hardly in our favor...

Grievous burst out angry.

'How dare you old man to blame me for your failures! You were clearly coordinating the attack until I came ans by the time the Malevolence II arrived, the battle was already lost!

'How dare you General!

The two started to duel each other. Grievous begin to move as fast as he could, reaching 20 hits per seconds, making the Count himself be overwhelmed by his power.

'You are holding your lightsaber too tight!

He managed to say. Grievous listenes to the advice but then , he was disarmed.

'Now too light! Hm... a new one?

'I found it on the Star Forge after killing one of the Jedi Masters.

'Don't become to attached to this trophies. They may blind you. What about Kenobi?

'He used a Force Push to detonate the bombs. A coward move to save him.

'Remember that you must use the same tactics as him as long as you succeed. You can fully win against them when you have fear, surprise and intimidation at your side...

'Wise council, my apprentice.

Sidious appeared on the holocomm of the desk.

'My lord.

'General, what news from the front?

'We have lost the Star Forge my lord, and the Outer Rim Sieges are proceeding.

'Good. You can start your surprise attack now. The Republic has fallen into it's trap as I have forseen. As for the Star Forge, I assure you General, that now that the war is coming to an end, it have became expendable. Now go!

'Yes, Lord Sidious!

Gruevous left calmed the Command Centre.

'The plan has worked perfectly, my lord.

'Indeed! The Star Forge has been destroyed as it should have been, and many people that may have opposed me have died there. Everything is set in piece, Count. Take your place on the Flagship and go to kidnapp the "Chancellor".

They both laughed.

'Very well, my lord!

The communication closed. Grievous was heading to the Invisble Hand, now fully repaired, and his remaining Flagship. Onboard, there were a few neimoidians and a squad of magnaguards.

'Prepare to jump in Hyperspace!

After a few moments, the huge fleet left for Coruscant...

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