Chapter 9

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Atris was opening the Jedi Archives.

'So, what is it that you seek in our databanks?

'Sith Holocrons.

'But we don't possess...

'Don't lie to me. You are collecting them. I know it. So , show me where they are.

'But it's forbidden for a Jedi...

'I am no Jedi. Go!


The two walked through the imense data the Jedi stored in their Temple. They reached a lonely chamber, closed. Atris typed a new password and the door slid open.

'Go. I won't follow you, for their voices may corrupt me.

'Whatever. Wait for me here.

The general entered the room. Darkly red triangles were on the walls, all with names under them. He was searching for some special Sith lords. At last , he found one of them. Freddon Nadd, the Sith Lord of Onderon and ironically the ancestor of their royal lineage. That meant they were Force Sensitive? It doesn't matter, Grievous thought. He opened the Holocron. A holographic man appeared.

'Who seeks my knowledge of the Sith?

'General Grievious.

'Unusual name for a Sith. What are you looking to learn? Force Powers, Lightsabers Arts...

'I want the latter.

'Very well. Let me teach you...

For some time, the General trained and corrected his style, made him better. The Sith Lord was impressed.

'You have some talent, I give you that. If that's all, crush you enemies well!

'Thank you!

The hologram closed.

'Now... Marka Ragnos... then Ajunta Pall...

All the day, the General practiced and learnt ways of evading and defending against the most powerfull tricks. He was most impressed by the Sith Lords. They were very good and very teacher-ish. In the end, he left the chamber, sattisfied. He would challenge 3 of the Jedi Masters to see his progress. Outside, Atris was studying a datapad.

'Reading , Jedi?

His raspy voice startled the Jedi Master.

'Yes. How were the holocrons.

'Most helpfull. I really enjoyed learning from them. Now, I want to show you and other Jedi.

'What? Do you want to challenge all of us?

'I am not that arrogant, but 3 of you would be enough. I am returning to my ship. I will return with Bastila tomorrow and  maybe we will practice then.

'We'll see.

'General, you are shockingly powerfull for a non-sensitive being.

'The Force is not all powerfull, Jedi. Not even that power can save you.

'I sense great hatred towards us. Why do you despise Jedi so much?

'A dark incident in my past. Oh, my guards.

The magnaguards were waiting at the entrance. The same two guards were looking freightend at them.

'I hope they didn't cause you any trouble.

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