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May 10
    By this time everyone at the BAU knew what JJ did, they knew and wouldn't talk to her. Elle had been stepping up more and taking care of Henry who had no idea what was going on when all he heard was fights from his mom's. Henry had been waking up a lot in the middle of the night so instead of having her moms fight about who will go to his room, Elle had let Henry sleep in her bed the past couple nights. While the kids were sleeping in one room, their parents were sleeping two, Emily in their bedroom and JJ in the guest one.
"Emily, can we please talk about this, please" JJ begged.
"What's there to talk about JJ, you told Reid that you have always loved him. Do you know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel like an idiot, like I'm some kind of experiment, I married you and we have a kid, I have been in love with you since I can remember, and you're telling Reid that you have always loved him. If you have always loved him Jennifer then I you should have told him when he told you, not when we have been married, not when I adopted your son, or when you adopted my daughter." Emily yelled and sat down on the couch.
"Emily I don't know what you want from me" JJ yelled back
"I want the truth" the brunette yelled then stormed out of the house to the BAU, leaving JJ upset and contemplating the same thing her sister did almost twenty years ago. The blonde began to get an anxiety attack, something she hadn't had in a while.JJ went into the bathroom and found the pills she was prescribed for her anxiety. She emptied the final contents of the bottle. Five pills. And the blonde swallowed them one by one, until everything became a blur and she slowly drifted out of reality.
"Hey Em, where's JJ?" Derek asked after knocking on the brunettes office door.
"I don't know, we had another fight this morning, she might have stayed home." Emily replied, not caring at this point what happened.
Hours Later
"Hello, is this Emily Prentiss?" The woman on the other line asked.
"This is she," Emily replied.
"I'm so sorry to inform you, but your wife is in the hospital" The person said and Emily's heart stopped. Even though she was still fighting with JJ, she was still in love with her, no matter what she would always be in love with the blonde. Emily grabbed her phone and her keys then rushed out of her office.
"Emily what's going on?" Tara asked.
"JJ's in the hospital" Emily replied then everyone got up and followed her.
    The brunette ran into the emergency room and saw her daughter sitting with tears in her eyes. Elle ran over to Emily and hugged her.
"What happened?" Emily asked worriedly.
"I came home for lunch, and I went to the bathroom, mama was on the floor, and there was an empty bottle of pills" Elle explained as she began to break down and Derek came running into the ER.
"Em, I've got her, go find JJ" Derek said and hugged the young brunette. A nurse showed Emily to JJ's room and the brunette cried at her wife's bedside. JJ slowly began to wake up and as soon as she saw the brunette she turned her head away.
"JJ, what were you thinking?" Emily asked and tears filled the blonde's eyes.
"You said you wanted the truth. The truth is, is that Spence is my best friend, and I love him, it was the day after he was held hostage undercover and I needed him to know that I have always loved him, that after everything he has been through people still love him, but he is the only person who knows that I like girls, I only like girls and the only girl I like and will ever like is you." JJ explained and she let out a small chuckle.
"The truth also is, is that I don't know how to live a life that doesn't have you in it. I love you more than life itself, I am in love with you.You are my everything and fighting with you is worse than death, it's torture Em, and I found the divorce papers in the office last night, and after you stormed out this morning, I couldn't, I couldn't handle it, I had an anxiety attack and I swear to god, I went into the bathroom to just take one pill, but I couldn't get Roslyn out of my head and I found myself taking the rest of the bottle" JJ explained and Emily caressed the blonde's cheek.
"JJ" Emily started.
"I don't want to die and I don't know if it's a genes thing bu-"
"It's not a genes thing, you aren't going to die, and we can get through this, but we need to communicate, we need to be together, cause I am so incredibly in love with you, and I don't want to see you hurt, I don't want to see you struggle," Emily explained then was pulled onto the bed by JJ.
"I love you forever and always" JJ smiled as she ran her fingers over Emily's lips.
"Forever and always" Emily whispered then kissed the blonde who soon fell asleep in Emily's arms.
    About an hour passed and the whole team including Elle and Henry watched the couple sleep in each other's arms.
"I knew they would find their way back to each other" Derek smiled.
"I haven't been here for long, but they seem like they always do that, find their way back, I mean" Tara said
"When you love someone, you go after it, and that's exactly what they do, they go after their love for each other each and everyday," Rossi explained and patted Elle's shoulder.
"Oh my lovelies, I knew from the start they would be together," Garcia exclaimed happily.
"I have the best moms" Elle smiled

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