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An hour passed. JJ and Elle were frantic they  couldn't get a hold of Emily, everytime they would call, all they got was voice mail. Elle tried to comfort her second mother but there was no way that it was possible for JJ to calm down. She didn't know where her wife was, the only person she has ever truly loved. JJ Sat down on the couch with her head in her hands when the front door flung open. It was Emily.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, there was so much traffic and my pho-" Emily started but was interrupted by JJ running over to her and kissing her.
"My phone died, I'm so sorry" Emily added and JJ pulled her as close as the two could get. The couple pulled away and Elle ran into her mother's arms.
"I'm okay, it's okay" Emily whispered and lightly kissed her daughter's head.
10 Months Later
September 19
"Hey" JJ said in a small Sexy tone as she walked into Emily's office. She sat on the arm of a chair across from the obviously tired Emily.
"Long night?" She asked with a small smile forming on her face.
"You don't even know" Emily let out a small chuckle.
"Don't you have a budget meeting?" JJ asked, causing Emily to check her watch and sigh with annoyance.
"Unfortunately yes" the brunette said as she stood up and gathered her files.
"Emily" JJ started with a cheek to cheek smile.
"Mhmm?"Emily asked
"Flowers? You must be married to someone who really be a keeper" JJ laughed referencing the flowers that she had gotten Emily that were on her desk. The blonde also stood up and made her way to Emily, kissing her.
"Oh they are" Emily whispered as she continued kissing JJ.
"I love you, I'll see you after the meeting, and don't forget about that thing we have for Elle tonight" Emily replied.
"I know, I know... Love you too" JJ exclaimed and the brunette left the room.
About three hours passed and Emily was finally out of her meeting. It was already dark out and the brunette totally forgot about the thing for Elle. Emily began gathering her things but was interrupted when she got a phone call.
"Hey, what's up?"Emily asked as the answered the call from JJ
"I just wanted to know if you were out of the meeting" JJ replied
"I am, I'm about to head home, do you want me to pick up dinner?" Emily asked
"Em, it's obvious you forgot, go grab Eliana's thing and I'll see you when you get home" JJ replied and Emily laughed a little.
"I love you"
"I love you too" the call ended.
Emily pulled up to her house after the multiple errands she ran and made her way inside. In the house was the entire team and their families along with her family including her mother, everyone except Elle knew what was going on. Garcia was of course smothering Henry and everyone else was having a good time. Once settled at home Emily took off her jacket and headed for the kitchen where she knew JJ was.
"Hey" Emily exclaimed and JJ greeted her with a kiss.
"Where's the guest of honor" Emily asked
"upstairs. She wanted to get her homework done before coming down" JJ replied and Emily smiled.
"Let's go do this" the brunette stated and she and the blonde went up to their daughters room.
"Knock knock" Emily said softly, entering the teens bedroom. Both women Sat in either side of Elle and she began to get worried.
"Am I in trouble?" Elle asked
"is there something for you to be in trouble for?"Emily asked and JJ gave Elle that 'what's going on' look.
"No, that's why I asked. What's up?"
"Well you know that your father isn't in the picture and if anything happens to me you immediately go with your grandmother and she's getting older-" Emily kept rambling on and JJ finally cut her off.
"Elle what we're trying to say is that I want to legally adopt you" JJ said and Elle's eyes lit up.
"Yeah," Elle exclaimed happily and her two mom's hugged her.
"I'm going to give you guys a minute" Emily whispered then left the room.
"Elle, I love your mother, and I love you, I know we didn't meet until last year but I truly see you as my daughter and I'm so glad that you are." JJ explained.
"Ma, how many times did you rehearse that?" Elle asked with a laugh
"a lot you brat, now come on there's a party waiting for us" JJ replied playfully and Elle hugged her.
"Already feeling the love" Elle laughed and the pair headed down stairs.
November 10
A month passed and Elle was legally Emily's and JJ's. Emily, JJ, and Henry along with the team were at Elle's varsity championship soccer game with two minutes left in the game Elle's team was tied with the other 8-8. Being the star player she is Elle got the ball and ran with it up the field. She collided with a girl but got the ball in the goal, scoring the winning shot as she fell to the ground filled with pain and the buzzer went off.
Elle tried to get off the field but pain filled her body and something was obviously wrong. Elle's coach ran onto the grass but couldn't help her up. At this point everyone watching her in the audience grew extremely worried, especially her family. Emily ran off of the bleachers and Derek followed.
"Ahhh!" Elle screamed in extreme pain as the coach tried to touch her leg lightly.
"Where's it hurt, kid?" Derek asked, squatting beside the watery eyed girl. The team gathered at the entrance to the field all filled with worry.
"It's my leg. It's my leg" Elle replied, pain filling her voice.
"Okay can you stand?" Emily asked while she held Elle's hand.
"No. No mom it hurts too much" Elle replied and tears stained her cheek.
"Okay, this might hurt but we need to get you to a hospital" Derek said and picked up the very petite teenager. As she cried, Derek carried her off the field and Emily followed behind with her daughter's soccer bag. They made it through the swarm that consisted of their team and Derek drove Elle and Emily to the hospital.
They reached the hospital and everyone on the team was there both the BAU and Soccer team. Dani and Justice, Elle's best friends, who were also on the soccer team were also at the hospital. Their two boyfriends who were in the big group of Elle's friends came and brought Brayden, the last person in the group besides Elle who he happened to have a crush on. Elle was rushed to an MRI and everyone waited for her, Emily and JJ both frantic along with her group of friends.
November 2
It had been two hours since Elle got out of surgery repairing her extremely torn ACL. JJ, and Emily were sitting in her hospital room waiting for her to wake up. Derek was also there, as soon as he met Elle he became a father figure to her, they had an unbreakable bond and everyone could see it. Penelope and Spencer were taking turns watching Henry and going to the hospital. Rossi tried to stay as much as he could but was also at the BAU going over paperwork and cases for Emily.
"Ow" Elle whispered as she woke up.
"Hey sweets" JJ said softly and began to caress Elle's cheeks as Emily held her daughter's hand on the other side.
"You're so pretty," Elle exclaimed, high as a kite on the morphine they gave her. The blonde locked eyes with her wife and they both let out a chuckle. Elle turned her head to Emily and smiled.
"Mommy" Elle said
"What's up hon?" She asked tucking a piece of hair behind her daughter's ear.
"Come here" she said motioning for Emily to put her ear near her mouth.
"I think Mama likes you" Elle said louder than a whisper and gave Emily a wink as JJ let out a chuckle.
"I like her too" Emily replied then Elle closed her eyes and smiled.
"Mhmm, I'm like Cupid" Elle smiled and slowly fell asleep until the drugs wore off. Emily, JJ and Derek stayed in her hospital room and talked amongst themselves quietly while their daughter or daughter figure slept.
"So how was she when she woke up?" Derek asked after walking in with coffees for everyone. Emily and JJ were sitting next to each other, fingers intertwined and the blonde had her head on Emily's shoulder.
"She was on morphine" JJ laughed and Emily smiled.
"She told me that she thinks JJ likes me, you think it's true?" Emily asked playfully then she and the blonde lightly kissed.
"I don't know how you two do it, you're so calm all the time, you're madly in love with each other yet you still care for everyone around you at the same time. You are great parents and I don't think I've ever seen you in a fight before, you guys have a perfect relationship" Derek explained with amazement towards the couple.
"Derek, no one is perfect, especially us, it's just that, we know each other, and we faced our demons really early on and it brought us closer" Emily explained and JJ put her head closer to Emily's neck burrowing her chin into the brunette's shoulder.
"Yeah, we're lucky, but if you and Savannah are having problems then you can't talk to us about it, you need to talk to her." JJ added and ran her hand up and down the brunette's arm.
"We're not having problems, we're actually rea-" Derek started
"Derek" Elle said sleepily and Derek went over to her bedside.
"Hey kid, you took quite a fall there" Derek smiled.
"I didn't fall, that bitch on the other team hit me" Elle replied with a small painful chuckle.
"Language" JJ exclaimed
"Sorry mama" Elle replied and Emily smiled at her.
"Let's give them a minute" Emily whispered and she and JJ left the room

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