eight part two

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December 20
"you have reached the voicemail box of-" an operator coming out of the phone began
"dammit JJ. Where are you?" Emily asked as she drove around worried sick for her loved ones safety. She glanced in the mirror and saw Henry giggling as he played with a binki.
"Mamiga" He babbled
"I miss mama too" Emily sighed then made a turn to go to the BAU.
    JJ had now been missing for a total of seven hours and the team had no leads. Garcia did everything she could to track the blonde but nothing came up and with all these false roads it was obvious that Emily was crumbling on the inside.
She walked off the BAU elevator , baby in one arm and the diaper bag and briefcase in the other and as soon as she stepped off the elevator the whole team gave the brunette a look.
"The nanny will be here in an hour, I had nowhere else to take him" Emily stated and it was obvious she hadn't gotten any sleep. It was as if Garcia could smell the scent of Henry and she came running out of her lair.
"Ooh-Ohh, can I take him?" she begged.
"Yes, thank you" Emily responded then whispered in Henry's ear although she knew he didn't understand.
"Love you bubba" then handed the baby to Penelope as well as the diaper bag. Emily needed to get away from everything for a minute, just a minute of everything being okay so she rushed to the bathroom and splashed water on her face. As she did that the remaining members of the team gathered in the conference room.
"Okay, I know that JJ went to the unsubs house, but the SUV wasn't there, and she has only been missing for six and a half, seven hours, as much I hate to think like this I think we have to start thinking that she might have che-" Derek started and the team looked at him in disbelief.
"No way, Jennifer is crazy about Emily she would never cheat on her" Reid exclaimed.
"Derek has a point, if JJ was cheating on Emily last night, she could've just fallen asleep and shut off her phone" Rossi added
"No-No-No, JJ didn't cheat, they are engaged, they have a kid!" Reid said with disbelief still wondering through his body.
"Reid, a kid and an engagement doesn't always mean it's the right thing for that person, especially in JJ's case, she was beaten and raped for so long, she might have looked to Emily for an outlet, for someone to love her, she might of needed to figure out who she was and what she was causing her to cheat, JJ could ha-" Hotch began but stopped himself once he saw Emily standing in the doorway.
"You think she cheated?" The brunette asked and it broke more of her to think that.
"We found you once and my team will find you again!" The blonde stated angrily with pain coursing through her veins.
"I told you to shut up!" The unsub yelled then stuck a cattle prod to JJ's lower back for the fifth time and she screamed in pain.
"Please, please" JJ begged weakly although from the profile she knew what was going to happen to her. The blonde could hear the man taking his belt off and closed her eyes from what was about to happen.
"No, JJ would never cheat, do you know how mad she was when I didn't propose, she was ready to claw my eyes out, the unsub has her and I know it. Please" Emily begged the team
"Derek have Garcia track down every property that belongs to Tom Birch or his family in Virginia, Reid and Rossi go back to the unsubs house. Emily go spend time with your son before he gets picked up" Hotch explained and Emily made her way back to Henry and took him into JJ's office. The brunette sat in JJ's chair holding Henry and cried until Derek came in.
"Emily, the nanny is here" He started without realizing that she was crying.
"Oh-uh, okay, I'll be-I'll be right out" Emily responded and got up as Derek walked over to her.
"Emily" Derek started, then she broke down in his arms while also holding the baby.
"It's okay, we are gonna find her. Tom Birch isn't going to get away with this" Derek explained.
"Halajooby!"Henry babbled with a laugh that was contagious to both Emily and Derek.
Hours later the team had found a location and were on their way there. Emily with Hotch and Morgan and Rossi with Reid. They drove down a long dirt road to a ranch and waited for swat to get there.
"Emily" JJ trembled after she was brought up for air from being held underwater.
"I told you to shut up! He yelled and instead of using the prod for the sixth time he picked up his belt from earlier and slapped it across JJ's bare back making it bleed. All of a sudden the man heard sirens and with pain all over her body, JJ managed to get out a smile, but before she could do anything else there was a gunshot.
"Emily" JJ said with all of her strength as she watched a brunette run over to her.
"Emily" She whispered in her last breath

(Sorry for the cliffhanger, I hope you like it, leave a comment on what you want to see next )

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