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Emily woke up and Eliana filled my head. Her daughter. She quickly looked down to see JJ with her head resting on the brunette's lap, she was asleep. Emily continued her thought process going over everything about Eliana, or what she likes to call her Elle. She thought about her daughter's raven hair that was identical to her own, how her remarks and comments were exactly the same that she had once used. Eliana (Elle) Grace Prentiss, daughter of Emily Prentiss, granddaughter of Elizabeth Prentiss.
Eliana, a bright sixteen year old who is the clone of Emily, same characteristics, same attitude, same everything but Eliana was more innocent than she cared to admit. Emily made the choice to move Eliana in with her mother when the line of her work threatened her daughter's safety. Eliana had been living with her grandmother since before Emily worked for the CIA on the Doyle case. Emily flew to Italy whenever possible to visit her mother and daughter, and if she couldn't go the brunette would often call and text with her daughter whenever she had free time. The two beautiful brunette's are everything to each other, and they are closer than a regular mother and daughter, they are each other's rock. Eliana knew about JJ but JJ didn't know about her, it was Emily's biggest secret, in order to keep her daughter safe.
Emily began stroking her wife's blonde locks which caused JJ to wake up, and it was time, time for Emily to reveal her biggest secret. JJ moved her head to look up at Emily and she could immediately see that her wife was holding something back.
"Em, what's wrong?" JJ asked and she sat up.
"I have something that I need to tell you and it's really big, and I understand if you're mad at me, I understand if you never want to speak to me again, but I need to say it." Emily said and worry crossed JJ's face.
"What is it Em?" The blonde asked and she took her wife's hands in hers.
"I-uh- you know that I was raped when I was fifteen, but it happened again when I was seventeen, it was one of my mother's bodyguards and I couldn't go through another abortion, the first one took such a toll on me and I couldn't do that again. So I decided that I was going to put the baby up for adoption, I thought that it could at least still have a life if it didn't have me. When I was going into labor, and the doctor told me to push I knew that I couldn't give up my baby, it seemed to be as bad as getting an abortion, I was still giving up a baby and I couldn't do it so my mother supported my decision and she promised to help me raise the baby. I named her Eliana, but I have always called her Elle. She is sixteen now, and lives in Italy with my mother. I am so sorry" Emily explained and a small amount of tears stained her cheeks. JJ cupped her wife's cheek and ran her thumb over the small clear tears.
"Emily, I know, when you were "dead" Garcia did some digging into your past and she found the birth record. Everyone knows, but we also know how hard it must've been in you to keep her safe with your line of work so we decided to let you tell us. I just thought you would've told me before we got married, but I understand and I think I should meet her. Maybe instead of date night, we take a small honeymoon" JJ suggested and began to rub the back of Emily's neck with her free hand.
"Where too?" Emily asked, biting her lip.
"Hmm... Italy" JJ smiled then the brunette pulled her wife closer and kissed her.
"I love you Jennifer, thank you so much, for everything." Emily whispered as they continued kissing.
October 9
"JJ do it, do it, Henry needs his mother, just promise me you will take care of Elle, promise me please" Emily begged as she laid on the carpet, after suffering a stab wound from the unsub before the team got there. Emily was drifting in and out of consciousness due to her extreme amount of blood loss.
"Emily, you're the love of my life, please, please don't go, don't leave me, do leave your kids, they need you, I need you. Listen to me! Listen, Elle is going to come back and she's going to move in with us and she is going to be a part of the family we have built, the Prentiss family. Please look at me" JJ begged, pressuring the wound Ugh one hand and the same knife the unsub used on her wife in the other.
"Dammit!" JJ yelled as Emily shut her eyes, then the unsub pointed the gun at her head and took off the safety.
A gunshot was heard.

(I know that I've been leaving you guys on a lot of cliff hangers and bad things but I promise the next chapter will be a good one)

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