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May 15
About four months passed and JJ was finally back to work. She was on anti-anxiety medication for bad anxiety attacks and the therapist was actually starting to help her. Emily felt relieved that she finally got JJ back. Of course there were occasional nightmares but nothing the women couldn't handle.
JJ was in bed reading while Emily was giving Henry a bath. She put him down to bed afterwards and headed to her room where JJ saw her soaking wet. JJ let out a small laugh and Emily smiled at her before walking over to the bed and hugging the blonde with her soaking wet body. They playfully fought when they heard "ma-ma!" Over the baby monitor. The women shared a look and ran into the nursery.
"Ma-ma!" Henry exclaimed again and both women filled with happiness.
"That's right Henry, we're your mama's" JJ responded happily and Emily watched as the once cold, distant and pain filled person became happier, more smiley and filled with love.
They calmed Henry back to sleep and then headed back to the bedroom where JJ quickly made her way to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. She lifted her shirt and looked over the prod scars and winced as she remembered the pain caused by each and every one. JJ lowered her shirt without changing out of her leggings and hoodie and left the bathroom where she put her hair up into a pony tail and began putting her running sneakers on.
"Where are you going?" Emily asked as she got situated into bed.
"For a run, I'll be back later" JJ said and the loving person left again and the cold and distant one returned. Emily knew that for JJ to feel better she had to keep her distance as well.
About forty-five minutes passed and JJ wasn't back which worried Emily because her usual route only took about thirty minutes. Emily tracked JJ's phone and as soon as she saw her location she knew where the blonde was going. Emily quickly jumped out of bed, gathered Henry and his things, left the house, began driving and called Garcia.
"Em, I love you but it's eleven pm, some people sleep" Penelope answered sleepily.
"I'm dropping Henry off, come outside" Emily said after pulling up to her friends house. Penelope quickly came outside and got Henry realizing that something was wrong she quickly asked Emily.
"Where's J?" The other blonde asked.
JJ was standing in front of the large farm where she was held for hours being raped and tortured.
"I told you to shut up!" The disgusting voice of the unsub echoed through the blondes head and all the pain from that night came back to her.
"Emily" her weak voice from that night added to the echoes then the blonde got blinded by headlights from a familiar red SUV belonging to Emily. JJ reached her hand up to cover her eyes and could see the brunette coming out of the car.
"Go away Em!" She yelled but that didn't stop Emily from getting out of her car.
"No JJ, I'm not going away, for the past five months all I have been doing is going away, because I thought it would help, I though you would feel better, but you haven't and I could tell but I didn't do anything because I though it was best if I gave you space and gave you wanted. Three months ago you couldn't even recognize Spencer, you thought everyone was either Will or Tom Birch, you were quite literally broken and I just stood by. I'm not gonna stand by any more JJ, I have loved you for so long and I'm not letting you slip through my fingers again..." JJ stayed silent.
"I know what you do in the bathroom, I know that you lift your shirt and look at all your scars. I know what happened that night, I know you weren't just shot. I know you were raped, I know you burned with a cattle prod and slashed with a belt. I know it all JJ, and I know you didn't want to tell me, but we are engaged, we live together and we have a child. We have a child and he needs you, he needs his mom. God JJ, I need you, I need you too, I can't do this alone, I need you back. JJ, I know what it's like, do you see this" Emily explained with tears burning her cheeks as she lifted her shirt to reveal the wound from where she had been staked.
"Do you see this, this is from a six year fake relationship of being raped and a four year period of hiding from him. Ten years I sat and watched as my old self left my body and I turned into a person I did not know, a person who wasn't the old Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, I was Lauren Reynolds for six years and I didn't know who I was when I came here and I don't know who I am now. What I do know is that scars show where you've been and show you how far you have come. I know that I have come far since everything with Doyle, I know that I'm not the same person, but you are Jennifer Jareau, the kindest, most caring and loving person I have ever met, the one person I allow myself to show my weaknesses too and I want her back, I want you back" Emily begged as more tears fell down her face. JJ hesitated to speak and it was obvious to Emily that JJ had something to say but she kept it in. JJ saw Emily's face fall with more sadness when she didn't speak and watched the brunette turn around.
"Whatever, maybe it's better if I do go away, and if you were wondering Henry is with Garcia" Emily sighed and began walking to her car.

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