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October 10
Emily woke up as she heard the small cries of JJ, the brunette looked through the darkness and saw JJ holding her knees close to her body in the corner of the room. Emily grew extremely worried then got up and ran over to JJ who then clutched Emily's shirt for dear life never wanting to let go.
"It's okay, I've got you" Emily whispered while holding JJ and stroking her hair.
"I've got you my love" Emily added as the blonde began crying even more.
"E-Emily" JJ trembled and it was obvious that she was unaware of what was real in this moment. Emily came to the conclusion that JJ was most likely suffering from a nightmare or PTSD after all she had been through.
"JJ, What happened?" Emily asked as she stroked JJ's hair.
"I don't how, but Will was here, he was here Em" JJ explained.
"It was just a nightmare, no one is here" Emily reassured the blonde while continuing to comfort her.
Emily brought JJ into her room then they laid down in bed. JJ held on tight to Emily by clenching her shirt then wrapped her other arm around her waist. JJ nuzzled her head to Emily's neck and drifted off leaving Emily awake thinking. Emily forgot what it was like for someone to need her, someone to seek comfort in. With all the cases they see Emily never went home to anyone, it was always just her and an empty apartment.
A couple hours passed and Emily woke up to the sun peaking through her blinds and gleaming on JJ's body. She looked over at JJ and saw the blonde angel sleeping peacefully beside her. Emily couldn't help but smile as she looked at her love. The brunette gently kissed JJ's head and began to move her friends arm off of her torso and her leg off her own. Emily went to the kitchen and began brewing a large cup of coffee when JJ walked into the kitchen.
"If you wanted to kiss someone properly it's easier when they are looking at you" JJ laughed flirtatiously.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" Emily asked also flirting.
"Maybe" JJ laughed once more than sat at Emily's kitchen island as Emily poured two cups of coffee.
"One cream, and two sugars just the way you like it" Emily said, placing down the coffee.
"You know me too well" JJ laughed as she took a sip and stared into Emily's brown eyes that made her go into a trance full of love and passion.
Emily made her way me to JJ then kissed her, and kissed her hard. Emily began taking off JJ's shirt and kis-
"JJ, are you alright?" Emily asked as she interrupted the blondes day dream.
"Huh-oh yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired" JJ responded
"That's understandable, you had a hard night last night, speaking of which, are you okay?" Emily asked with worry creeping into her voice.
"I had a really bad nightmare, I was back in Will's apartment, he tied me to the bedpost then tied my legs so that they stayed open, he pulled out his gun and put it on the nightstand knowing it would scare me. He did so much more to me Em, but I- I can't-" JJ started as her eyes began to water then Emily walked over to her and hugged her, stroking the golden locks of the blonde until she calmed down.
"Come on, why don't we get ready for work" Emily suggested.
October 23
Two weeks and three cases later, JJ had still been sleeping at Emily's due to her many nightmares and she just wanted to stop. The awful dreams started to include Emily in them and each time she would die which broke JJ completely in the dream and reality. Still neither one of them confessed their strong feelings for the other, but they acted more of a couple then anything.
"JJ it's been almost three weeks, maybe you should talk to someone" Emily suggested after fixing herself and the blonde both some coffee. What Emily said hurt JJ, she thought that Emily wanted JJ gone and to leave her alone when in reality it was the total opposite.
"I'm sorry I've been a burden but I thought that you out of everyone would understand, I thought that I was safe here, away from Will, with you... I'll sleep at my own place tonight" JJ explained while grabbing her things madly.
"JJ, that's not what..." the door slammed
"I meant" Emily sighed sadly then took a sip of her coffee and began getting dressed. She got dressed in a red tank top with black pants and a matching jacket then as usual put her boots on. Emily left her apartment and made her way to her car, once outside she could hear the crunch of the frosty fallen leaves beneath her shoe then got in her car and drove away.
Once arrived at the BAU Emily went to her old/new desk in the bullpen knowing that Hotch was back thankfully. She locked eyes with the blonde for a good thirty seconds before JJ went back to her office and locked the door. She slid down the door and began crying, after about a minute of her time, JJ grabbed the newest set of case files, fixed her make up and headed to the conference room.
"Wheels up in 30" Hotch announced after going over the case about a serial killer in New Orleans taking young women most likely in their late twenties early thirties and holding them hostage for two days before killing them execution style. Emily could feel JJ glancing at her from the other side of the table, but she didn't care to turn her head knowing the blonde was still probably mad at her.
"Hey Princess, why do you look so tired? Late night at the bar with some guy?" Derek asked jokingly to Emily who wasn't tired at all, just in a trance about JJ. Hearing the small banter between Emily and Derek had made JJ grow extremely jealous and upset then walked out of the conference room and headed to the jet.
"So this unsub is most likely using these women as a replacement of someone important in his life" Derek added after they began going over case details. This case gave Emily an extremely bad feeling in her gut, but didn't know how to act on it. After the team finished going over the case and their notes, while also building a starter profile, everyone went off to different seats on the plane. Emily sat in the aisle seat next to Derek and could see JJ curled up in the window seat a section away looking out the window. The blonde could feel the brunette's eyes glaring at her with sadness and heartache.
After a couple hours they landed in New Orleans and it was too late to get any work done so Hotch instructed the team to go straight to the hotel. JJ got off the jet and could immediately smell the air that her ex was from and in that moment she knew she needed Emily, she needed her touch, her scent, her love but was aware she wouldn't receive it the team arrived at the Hotel, Hotch gave out room assignments.
"Derek and Reid, Rossi by himself and Emily and JJ" Hotch explained and although JJ wanted to be with Emily she sighed with a small amount of anger and headed to her room.
"I didn't plan this, you know I didn't plan this, we always end up rooming together-" Emily started as they arrived at the room was interrupted by JJ's annoyed sigh.
The two women got ready for bed and instead of sharing one like they usually do, JJ slept in the other bed and
both women felt weird being apart from each other. Emily laid awake as JJ slowly fell asleep. After a couple hours Emily was still awake when she heard yelling from the other side of the room. The brunette got up and quickly rushed to JJ then held her.
"Get off" JJ said with tears in her eyes while pushing Emily off. Emily pinned JJ's arms to the bed and stayed over her.
"No! No! Because you can't sleep without me, you need me and you know it" Emily explained and JJ stopped fidgeting and looked at Emily.
"E-Emily" JJ said then the two women's lips grew closer.
"You need me" Emily whispered then gently moved a piece of JJ of JJ's hair behind her ear and JJ moved to caress Emily's cheek.
"I-I need you" The blonde trembled as she shook her head then kissed Emily. The brunette deepend the kiss and stroked JJ's blonde locks, who then rolled over and got on top of Emily.
October 24
Minutes of making out passed and the women were face to face in bed as Emily caressed JJ's cheek while JJ had a leg wrapped around Emily's. Before either could talk after basking in the happiness of each other's company Hotch texted JJ that another body had shown up. The two women got out of bed and got dressed then made their way to the black SUV.
"Listen JJ, you aren't a burden, you're the total opposite," Emily smiled then took JJ's hand. The brunette's eyes were off the road for not even a second when the car was hit and pushed off the road.

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