Chapter 3: The man with the royal blue eyes

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I woke up next morning to the faint glimmer of sunlight just about ready to shine through my curtains. Dawn was about to break and it's time to get some information from the newly captured prisoners. I quickly chucked my clothes on and headed out my room towards Ivory's where I banged on her door to see if she was awake.

"Coming, Y/N," she yelled, rather tired.

I gave a slight chuckle to myself, you know you spend way too much time together when your best friend can distinguish your knock on a door.

Ivory yanked the door open while finishing off her hair in braids.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Hey." Ivory replied, a happy mood radiating from her, it made me smile seeing her happy. "So, we heading straight down to the prisoners?"

I nodded, "yes, the sooner we get our information, the sooner we can decide what to do with them."

We strolled out of the lift and joined the light traffic in the hallway, walking right past the food hall. We didn't have time to eat, and frankly, I wasn't hungry. My stomach had that sinking feeling, that feeling I always got when I became concerned or nervous. It was those prisoners, they were strange, and I wasn't looking forward to fishing information out of them.

Four guards joined us as we entered the cells and my nose was hit with the oh so familiar smell of damp straw. Yeah, not good memories. We made our way to the large cell where the prisoners were kept. Most were awake, their faces dotted with streaks of dirt and the odd dried up trickle of blood from their ruff journey to Polis.

I heard their breath hitch in their throats as our presence was known, and their expressions turned into a mixture of fear and anger. But, I could feel the young man's eyes who was called the name Oliver by the others burning into me. I took one glance into his eyes to see pools of hatred staring back, again my stomach jumped with that fucking feeling again. I diverted my attention from his eager eyes and looked to my guards.

"Take the one who shot my warrior," I ordered and watched as my guards grabbed the man and watched him struggle and shout profanities as his chains were took from around his hands.

I heard the young girl whimper at the sight of the restrained man being pushed out of the cell, I could tell by the bond of care that they had for each other that they were brother and sister, something I was all too familiar with. Once the man was out the cell and being taken to a spare room in the back of the tower, me and Ivory walked out with the remaining prisoners eyes burning into our backs.

"Well isn't that guy a bright ray of sunshine," Ivory commented while on our way to the spare room.

I chuckled, "I mean, I don't blame him. We did forcefully take them and put them in a stinky cell. Not to mention the odd bash around the face."

Ivory drooped her lips in an agreeing expression, "yeah, there is that." Ivory sighed, "but, they wouldn't come without a fight, especially him. He would make a descent warrior."

I patted my second on the back, "let's not jump to conclusions Ivory. I have no idea where these people are from, or if they are dangerous? If they are just strange people passing through or lost people and they want to stay, they can." I looked straight ahead at the man, "or if not, I may have to kill them. But, hopefully not."

And I truly meant that, I really didn't want to kill them. They do just seem foreign to this world and in need of guidance and deep down, they just seem scared.

We entered the spare room and the man was restrained in a chair by my guards, who had yet another wrestling match until he was finally restrained and ready to talk. My guards stood behind the man while I stood right in front of his piercing gaze. I could now see in the early morning light that his eyes were a striking royal blue with a fierce stare and his hair was a shaggy mess of short, golden locks.

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