Chapter 11: The Battle For Polis Part 2

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The blades moved elegantly in my hands like a dance. Every time I swung a blade it was like combat was woven into my soul because my body knew exactly what to do without even thinking about it. I suppose in a way it was, it came with my blood and my responsibility.

My legs carried me as fast as they could take me as I covered the ground of Polis. The once lively city full of happiness and peace, but now it was lively with blood and swords. Rebels scaled the walls some falling victim to Ivory's nifty traps and the rest who managed to survive came charging in with the hopes of victory. I cut down any living thing that dared to threaten my land and my murder spree took me into the back alleys of the city. The dark pathways didn't serve much use to the city, only really used for storage or rubbish dumps but in a battle like this, they were good hiding spots for enemies waiting to ambush anyone who passed through. I ceased my jogging and moved through the ally with soft footsteps checking my surroundings with my sharp eyes. It all seemed quiet until I sensed a presence behind me drawing closer attempting to surprise attack me. I stopped in my tracks and paused in silence as my plan began to puzzle together and I felt the air behind me shift and I sidestepped out the way as an axe came crashing down onto the ground with a blunt thud.

My head shot round to see my attacker and stood before me was a woman about as tall as me wearing amour sticky with blood. I jumped back as she swung at my abdomen and I once again sidestepped out the way using the narrow ally to my advantage and came up behind her and stabbed her right through the back. She spluttered and gagged as she fell to the ground in defeat. I silently thanked my younger self for exploring these ally ways as knowing them like the back of my hand came in useful when fighting someone foreign to this place. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shrill scream coming from not far in front of me and I took off running and soon reached the source of the scream.

I turned the corner and saw another woman pull out her sword from the stomach of a teenage girl. She placed her shaking hands over the wound and was roughly pushed back into the stone wall. The Rebel woman then turned her attention to another girl about the same age, around sixteen summers. Before she could take any more lives I charged silently towards her and I forcefully shoved her from the girl. The Rebel stumbled and a growl escaped her mouth as she turned around.

"That was rude," she spat out as her grip tightened around her sword grip.

"Was it?" I countered and kicked her in the chest.

The woman quickly recovered and lunged towards me and we fought in a short rhythm until I took advantage of an unblocked leg and I kicked her knee in. She let out a pained grunt but that was soon quietened by a sword to the face. Her body hit the ground with a thud and I turned my attention to the girl who was bleeding out against the old stone wall. "Hey, can you hear me?" I spoke out while placing my hand on her cold cheek.

The teenager looked at me with blank eyes before gazing up into the sky, a sign that meant it was too late. The wound was fatal. "I'm sorry," I whispered out.

"Freya?" The tear-filled voice of the other girl called out.

I gazed over to her with sad eyes, "I am sorry, there is nothing I can do."

The brunette looked down and let the tears fall as she stroked the hair of her friend. "Yu gonplei ste odon." She squeaked out. As soon as the words left her mouth, her friend's head fell limp from gazing up into the beautiful sky.

Gently, I closed her eyes and squeezed her limp hand as my heart ached for such a young life to be taken by a coward. "Hey," I got the attention of the other girl who was looking with sadness at her hands covered with the blood of her friend. "What's your name?"

Slowly she looked up, "Jadis."

I placed my hand on her shoulder, "you need to get to safety, it's not safe here. Get out of Polis and into the forest you will be safe there. Best to go to the south wall, it is quiet there."

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