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The mighty forest seemed to grow still as the womb of the world shifted. The choirs of birds stifled and Mother Nature herself bled into the empty silence.  The setting sun shone through the trees, illuminating the solemn ground where the warriors of the twelve clans stood, a heavy silence possessing them as their grips on their weapons loosened in pondering thoughts. Elian, one of the greatest warriors of Trikru looked on at his sister, where her life had left her riding away in the calm peace of the wind where her troubled soul could finally rest. He had stopped sheading tears now, the earth beneath his feet had had enough of the salty taste of grief for his sister's journey was not done yet.

With gentle hands, he closed his sister's eyes, "Yu gonplei ste odon, Y/N kom Trikru." His tone of voice was strong as he spoke his words out loud for all to hear. The warriors that stood watch all straightened up in loyal respect for their fallen Commander. Elian carefully picked up Y/N's body and began to walk back to the rest of the war party, the others following him with their heads held high in a loving respect. Lexa the youngest of the Nightbloods, trained her bright eyes on Heda's sword that was lying on the ground without its keeper. The girl picked up the blade and examined its look through the blood and dirt that stuck to it. The Commader's symbol shone in the late sunlight, reminding her of future events. Of what she had to fight for. Of what Heda wanted her to fight for. With her mind still possessed by unwavering thoughts, she followed the others through the trees of the Shadow Valley clan, her heart still beating heavy.

The group of warriors grew closer to the sight of their victory, their quiet ears hearing the sounds of cheers and laughter from their allies, but it soon ceased as Elian came into view holding the body of their Commander. The warriors of the twelve clans bowed their heads in a deep respect, their voices of cheers fading into the still forest. Elian took her body to a quiet place where she would lay for the warm summer's night until the sun would rise in the morning, when its light would guide them back home to Polis


The woods that surrounded them slowly began to break free of the grief and sorrow that possessed its wild heart, as the world began to realise that not all was lost. A great leader and teacher had fallen, but in this world death is not the end. It is only the beginning of the next journey. So the birds began to sing their harmonies of peace and love, and the leaves rustled untamed in the wind. The loud deep bellow of multiple horns far and wide soon broke the sounds of nature as the war party grew nearer to their destination, letting every soul know in the twelve clans that the Commander was dead. 

Elian cradled his sister for the whole journey back to the capital. He refused to let a carriage take her, even when his strong arms began to tire. The man's heart was too stubborn as his brotherly love is what drove him to the city gates. Polis was always bustling with so much life as people from all over the twelve clans came to trade and buy goods. But on this day, the city was so quiet, and as the warriors returned all tired and injured from the past day's events, the city seemed to grow even quieter. People gathered in swarms to see their protectors return, and the air was heavy as the sea of faces fell on Commander Y/N being carried down the road towards the tower. 

Lexa could tell how much the people loved Y/N, for no one spoke, they just looked on in a heartfelt sadness. Once Elian reached the grand doors of Polis tower, they swung open to reveal the cloaked figure of Titus, the Flamekeeper. The priest's face showed no emotion as he walked towards Elian and behind Titus, the remaining Natblidas stepped out into the light. Their curious eyes looked on as Elian passed the body of Heda to Titus. Willow felt an overwhelming jolt of sadness tug at her heart and Ara's face hardened for it was time for what he had been training for nearly his whole life. The fiery boy gripped his weapon tightly, making his knuckles turn white. Luca, Luna's brother noticed this and took his sister's hand. Kia narrowed his light brown eyes and Lev sighed. 

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