Chapter 1: 10 years later

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I moved lightly on my feet dodging and swinging at Lexa as she practised her skills on me. She held the training stick with such determination and fought with such courage that she surprised a lot of people with her skills, and that was what made her one of the most promising novitiates along side Luna. Our sticks connected and the sound of wood on wood filled the training arena, I ducked as she went for a blow at my head then I gave a cheeky swing at her ribs and Lexa spun gracefully and blocked it.

We paused with our sticks against each other's in an X shape.

"Good, Lexa," I complimented. "Again!"

We sprung back into action once more and I executed combinations to test Lexa's blocks and dodges and she did it immaculately. I spun and ducked as she executed her own and to make it even more challenging I added kicks into the mix. Lexa wasn't even caught off guard, she spun and sidestepped out the way. Lexa went for a naughty hit at my feet as I landed from a kick, I blocked it just in time. She wasn't going to win that easily. I sped up my stick attacks and we again fought in a quick motion. Lexa moved her feet correctly as I pursued my fight, but in all of her blocks and swings she left her legs unguarded, so I took this opportunity to hit at her knee area. Lexa fell to one knee and I finished off our fight by kicking her in the chest, making sure not to do it too hard just enough to knock her over onto her back.

She landed with a small grunt.

I held out my forearm, "that was good, Lexa. You never fought with aggression, you kept clam and concentrated. But work on your leg guard," I instructed.

Lexa took my forearm and got back to her feet, "thank you Heda. I'll keep practicing."

I nodded and gave a small smile.

"Natblidas, gouba tu raun en kigon yo grandplei." (Nightbloods, pair up and continue traning). Titus instructed the Nightbloods all sitting on the rocks from watching mine and Lexa's fight.

I walked to the clearing of trees where the tower was in full view and stared off into the distance and then Titus stood by me.

"Lexa is nearly ready, she has proved herself to be one of the best," I told Titus.

"Yes, but Luca is falling behind, and so is Willow even though she can fight," Titus said.

"Luca's studies are going well, he's the best in the group when it come to that," I tried to redeem his skills.

"Yes but in the conclave he won't stand a chance," Titus said the truth.

I nodded in acknowledgment, "we must keep him encouraged, his sister helps with that." I turned around to look at the training Nightbloods, "I have to go back to the tower, I have matters to attend to there."

"Yes, Heda."

I started to make my way back to the tower through the streets of Polis.


Like always, the streets were very busy with people shopping and trading. Children ran through the streets with their mothers soon trailing behind and calling their names. Guards patrolled the streets making sure everything was in order and they nodded their heads to me when I passed.

I smiled at the many happy faces, Polis was now a safer place and so were the other lands because of mine and the peoples attempts at peace. The past ten years have been fucking hard, no exaggeration. Twelve clans to keep in line is a BIG responsibility, and over the years fights have broken out and lives were lost, but a decision like the coalition wouldn't come without sacrifice. But, all twelve clans managed to come to terms of agreement and we were finally at peace. Of course, there were still a few fights but there would be, it was normal.

A Commander's Reign  [BOOK 2]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora