Chapter 2: The people that fell from the sky

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I picked at my chicken with my fork as me and my friends ate lunch in the food hall and to be honest, I wasn't that hungry. My mind was so full of thoughts about the problems with the rebel group that I was often in my own world.

"Y/N. Y/N!" Ivory's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hm, what?" I broke my staring at my cup of water

Ivory had concerned eyes, "you okay? You just seem so out of it."

I shook my head, "yeah, I'm fine. I've just been very occupied with my thoughts about the rebel group. There are so many patrols to monitor, it's just a bit stressful."

"You still good to go on the one tonight?" Ivory asked.

"Yeah, of course."

Ivory pointed at my untouched chicken, "well, eat up! We have a busy afternoon to get through."

I nodded and began to eat my food, now a little cold.

"So, do you think we will find anything in tonight's patrol?" Ivory questioned me through a mouthful of carrot.

I shrugged my shoulders, "who knows? In these forests, you can find anything. But, the past patrols have only dealt with low level threats such as Reapers or Mountain Men scouts, nothing too out of the ordinary."

Ivory nodded, "Yeah, hopefully we don't run into any of them, we have already lost many good warriors to their hands."

I nodded in agreement, "yes, I miss Jakku, he was a good fighter. And he was hilarious, always cracking up a joke to make everyone laugh. He kept my warriors in good spirit, shame he's gone," I gave a sigh as I remembered him.

Ivory sighed too, "Yeah, he was a good friend."

"Hey, are the supplies all packed up for later?" I asked, changing the subject.

Ivory nodded, "yes, food, water, weapons all packed."

I relaxed a little, we needed to make sure we were prepared, we could get attacked and split up from our assigned group and may have to spend a few days in the woods, so it was important supply kits were packed before patrols.

"Good." I looked at Max, Nala and Yara all done eating and deep in their own conversation. I stood up from my chair, "hey guys, come on we have to go, get some training in before we have to go on patrol."

They nodded and got up from their chairs.

"I'm gonna beat your ass in training," I challenged Ivory as we returned our pots to the kitchen.

Ivory gave a menacing smirk, "Oh, bring it on!"


Me and my friends entered the training arena for my warriors in a clearing on the outskirts of Polis. There were already warriors training and sparring with each other in their own spaces around the arena. It was a pretty hot day today, so it would be a sweaty one and I could tell my warriors around me were struggling against the intense sun, but they had to practise in all sorts of conditions if they wanted to perfect their fighting and become great warriors.

Once my warriors noticed my presence, they all stopped training and bowed to me.

"Please, carry on. Don't let me stop you," I said to the kneeling warriors, not wanting to interrupt their training.

My warriors all got to their feet and continued fighting.

I turned to Ivory, "let's start off with some sparring."

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