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Caroline's POV
    An hour of crying, and holding Nik's body. Marcel bent down beside me and said, " Care, we need to put his body in a coffin."

     I nodded, and Kol, and Elijah carried Nik's body to the coffin. I fell against Marcel shoulder, and he hugged me. Realization hit me, I stood up, same with Marcel.

    I said, " Wait. If Nik's dead, then why is Marcel still alive? He is apart of Nik's sireline. Also, how did Andrew find the White Oak?"

      Davina said, " I can explain the sireline. A year ago, when Klaus got the letter, stating that Andrew was looking for a way to kill him and you. He asked me to look into the sirelines in case, something did happen. It was his fail safe, so if anyone of him or his siblings die, their sireline stays alive. I looked into it, for a year. I didn't find a way to break the sirelines till a month ago. I could only break one sireline with my magic only. Freya helped me. We unsired the vampires Elijah and Klaus turned. Bekah's and Kol's sireline, we don't know anyone they sired. Elijah sired Kat, and Klaus sired Marcel."

   I nodded. Esther said, " These witches are Bennett's. They are the third most powerful witches. We didn't think he would be in contact with Bennett's. Still, it would take at least 5 covens to undo the spell Freya, Davina and I put on the white oak. He had to have many covens to help him, along with Bennett's. I thought having two of the most powerful witch lines perform it would make it more indestructible. Since, Claire Witches is the second most powerful witch line, and mine is the first most powerful witch line. We didn't think there would be Bennett's involved."

    I nodded. Bekah walked over to me, and said, " How about you go upstairs and get this blood washed off of you. I will bring a blood bag up in a bit."

   I nodded, and went upstairs to our room. I went into the bathroom, and got a shower.

Bekah's POV
    She went upstairs, and I cried some more. Kat came over and hugged me. I said, " What are we going to do? We lost our brother, and Caroline lost her husband. How are we going to cope? He was the glue that held us together for the thousand years we lived."

     Kat said, " We will get through it. We just have to stay strong. We have to be there for each other. Elijah is already beating himself over it. He keeps thinking that if he was here, he could've stopped it."

   I said, " Nik, wanted everyone out of the compound. He didn't want Caroline here, most of all. He didn't want her to face this fate. He loves her, no matter what. They would both protect each other no matter what."

   Kat said, " Let's bring Care some blood, and we can all have a girls night."

   I nodded, and we went to the kitchen. We grabbed blood out of the fridge, and went upstairs to Care's and Nik's room, Freya and Davina tagged along.

Caroline's POV
    I got out of the shower, and put on Nik's shirt. It even smelled like him. I got in our bed, and sat against the headboard. Everything smelled like him. I cried, and cried.

    Twenty minutes later, someone knocked on the bedroom door, and opened it. In came Freya, Bekah, Kat, and Davina. Kat and Davina sat on either side of me, and Freya and Bekah sat at the end of the bed. Kat gave me a blood bag, and I drank it.

   Kat said, " Are you okay?"

    I said, " I'll manage. How is everyone else?"

    Bekah said, " We are all upset. Nik was the glue that held us together. Now, how do you actually feel? Don't start trying to hold it in. Sometimes you need to let it out."

     I said, " I'm upset, and sad. Everything smells like him. I just miss him."

    I cried some more, and The girls hugged me. Davina said, " It's going to be okay. We are all going to get through it. Freya and I are going to see if we can find a spell to resurrect him."

   Freya said, " Though, there might not be one that exists. I never heard of one."

   Bekah said, " As long as we look, that's all that matters. But first we need to get through this together."

   We nodded, and everyone of us let our feelings out, and we cried. After two hours of crying, We soon fell asleep, on the bed.

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