First Kill

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Caroline's POV
It has been a month, since I transitioned. I have almost mastered the bloodlust. Klaus has been teaching me to compel, and feed on humans. I barely have been out of the house, since I transitioned. If I do go out, it is with Klaus, Kol, or Elijah. Bekah's wedding is in 3 weeks, she wanted a moonlight wedding, so it is when the next full moon is. Marcel's best man is Klaus, his groomsmen is Kol, Elijah, and Josh, a friend of his. I have been helping with the wedding, with Bekah.

Anyway, I woke up, and Klaus wasn't in bed. I got up, and went to the closet. I put on my blue crop top, and my black skirt, with my black heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. Bekah, Kat, Freya and Davina came into the kitchen.

Bekah said, " Morning, Care. Where's Nik?"

I said, " I don't know. He wasn't in bed, when I woke up."

They nodded, and I wondered if he was in his studio. I flashed upstairs to his studio. I opened the door, and there he was. He was wearing his pajama pants, and shirtless. He was painting. I walked over, and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned around, and seen me. He put his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer to him.

He said, " Morning, love."

I said, " Morning. Were you in here all night?"

He said, " Well, it is morning. So, yes."

I said, " Why?"

He said, " I couldn't sleep, too much things on my mind. You know I love to paint when I have things on my mind, it clears my head."

I said, " What was on your mind?"

He said, " Nothing much. Just Bekah's and Marcel's wedding is coming up, I am the best man."

I said, " Okay."

He leaned in, and kissed my lips. I pulled away, and said, " You need to get dressed."

He said, " Why?"

I said, " You, Elijah, Kol, Josh and Marcel are going to get your tuxes today."

He said, " I wanted to spend today with you."

I said, " You say that everyday. You have been delaying this for how many weeks. The wedding is in 3 weeks. You need to get your tuxes. Today is a girls day."

He said, " I haven't been delaying getting the tuxes."

I said, " Yes you have. For the last month, you made up the excuse about needing to teach me. I'm fine, I have the girls here. You need to go."

He sighed and said, " Alright, my love."

I pecked his lips, and walked downstairs. In the courtyard was the girls, Marcel, Josh, Kol, and Elijah. I hugged Josh, we have been friends. We have gotten along, with this wedding coming up. I hugged Marcel, and said, "Marcy, nice of you to show up."

He said, " Stop calling me that."

I said, " You want me to stop calling you that, you are going to have to fight me for me to stop. You win, then I will stop calling you it. I win, I get to call you it all you want, and you have to wear a Hawaiian skirt at the reception."

He said, " I am not fighting you."

Elijah said, " Marcellus, are you saying that she would beat you."

Kol said, " He is just afraid that if he loses to a girl, then it will be a bad reputation. Being beat by a little girl."

I said, " What did you just say?"

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